Creativity Magazine

Breaking News: The Rapture is Tomorrow! Again!

By Vickilane
Breaking News: The Rapture is Tomorrow! Again!
How many times does that make that some self-appointed prophet has proclaimed The Rapture? Or Armageddon or The Apocalypse or (fill in the blanks.)

Some people will believe anything. Witness the current state of the race for president. I think I'm actually more appalled at the number of Americans who choose to believe the Orange Blowhard (oops, I'm disqualifying myself from future juries involving him) than by the Blowhard himself.I'd seen the "news" of the impending Rapture on FB but wanted to check the source. The first thing that popped up was Fox "News."Surprise, surprise. When the history of the past decade is written (always assuming there will still be people capable of writing history,) Fox News will bear much of the blame for the Orange One's rise to power. Fox and Russian disinformation campaigns--though perhaps I repeat myself. They may well be one and the same.

Breaking News: The Rapture is Tomorrow! Again!
Meanwhile, in other news, the bluebells are blooming, and my little patch of ramps is up. Years ago, I bought a bundle of freshly dug ramps and planted them. Now they are thriving and spreading. If I thought we were looking at End Times, I'd go on and pull up every last one and have a real ramp feast--kind of the fundamentalist approach to environmental issues--use it all up with no thought for the future because this world is not our home.But I don't and I won't. I will continue to harvest only the occasional leaf, conserving the patch so it can increase. This world is my home.Breaking News: The Rapture is Tomorrow! Again!

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