Society Magazine

BOOK REVIEW: MonsterMind by Alfonso Casas

By Berniegourley @berniegourley

BOOK REVIEW: MonsterMind by Alfonso CasasMonsterMind: Dealing with Anxiety & Self-Doubt by Alfonso Casas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars Page
Out: October 12, 2021
This comic offers a clever and insightful look at the voices inside one's head. The use of cute graphic depictions of fears, doubts, and past traumas - along with lighthearted narrative analogies - allows the reader to explore the subject matter in a manner that is neither dry nor anxiety-inducing, in and of itself. This apparently autobiographical book shows how a comic artist, beleaguered by the monstrous occupants of his own mind, goes from being overwhelmed to learning to manage his mind.

At the end of the book there are a few pages of tips, both for dealing with one's own anxieties but also for interacting with others who have intense embattled minds. It's a book that may even be more beneficial for individuals without crippling issues themselves, but who know or love such individuals. The use of graphic depictions and adroit portrayals of anxiety may help individuals who haven't faced severe issues to gain a better understanding of what goes on in the minds of those who do. Having said that, these "monsters" will be familiar to everyone on some level, though for many that that level doesn't necessarily interfere with living their lives.

I'd highly recommend this book for anyone looking for a gentle and amusing introduction to the topic of the runaway mind. It's delightfully drawn and amusingly told.

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