Books Magazine

8 Grammar Jokes To Start Your Day Off Right

By Robert Bruce @robertbruce76

It’s a special breed of person who enjoys a good grammar joke.

And I believe many of you, like me, are fond of them.

So if you keep a copy of Strunk and White on your desk, today’s post is for you.

Here’s 8 pretty darn good grammar jokes. 

The Apostrophe Curse! (via Grammarly)

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I feel like a comma is good dating material (Image via Cartoon Stock).


What is a group of squids called? (Image via ScoopWhoop)


This one made me literally LOL. (Image via ScoopWhoop)

8 Grammar Jokes To Start Your Day Off Right

Now that’s just cute. (Image via Odd Loves Company)


So many ways to interpret “well done.” (Image via Pinterest)


Another LOL moment. (Image via Sentence First)


He makes a point. (Image via GoComics)


Now that’s just funny.

Pass along to your uninformed, non-grammar nerd friends, and they’ll be like, “huh?”

Until next time…

My review of On The Road comes on Friday.

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