Social Media Magazine

WikiVoyage the Traveler's Wikipedia

By Geekybrains @sreekanth_br
Here is WikiVoyage site , a traveler's guide from Wikipedia.  Wikivoyage was started on 10th December 2006. But due to some issues it stopped working. 
Now the good news is that Wikimedia relaunched WikiVoyage on January 15, 2013.
In this Wiki portal any one can add their travel stories which will help the other travelers around the world. As I always love the knowledge sharing concept, I am glad to introduce WikiVoyage on GeekyBrains Blog.
WikiVoyage the traveler's  wikipedia WikiVoyage will give the following details on each place.
  • Understand : Gives the history and climate details of  the place
  • Talk : Which languages people can speak in the city
  • Get in : Suggests how you can reach the place
  • Get around|See |Do: Gives a detailed explanation on the tourist places to visit in the city with all public and private transport system details.
  • Learn : Don't just travel ! learn something special from each place :)
  • Work : For the job seekers , a detailed employment report in the city
  • Eat : This is one of the reason, most people love to travel. Eat 
  • Drink : For the party animals and coffee day freaks 
  • Sleep : Which hotel do you want to book, WikiVoyage suggests you  one.
  • Stay safe :If it is not your place then you may not know what can happen in the city. Wiki suggests you some safety tips to make your travel more comfortable
  • Cope : Stay healthy all over your journey. Get a list of hospitals and health tips.
  • Contact : Know whether you can reach the outside world from the city through your mobile or not.
  • Go next : Continue your journey to next nearest place.
What I suggest is to make a PDF file from this site on any tourist place and carry it with you in your mobile phone. With this you can't miss any place around the area. I have already explained in this blog about making an E-book from wikipedia articles. This will also apply for WikiVoyage. Read How to make a PDF from WikiPedia article

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