Photography Magazine

Top Three Travel Bucket List Destinations

By Littlebckpacker @littlebckpacker

I’m writing this blog post as an entry to the Transun bucket list competition. All you have to do is share your three travel bucket list destinations in a blog post and you could be in with a chance of winning a trip for two to see the northern lights in Lapland. Thanks to Neil over at Backpacks and Bunkbeds I was alerted to this simple competition.

If you are a long term reader of my blog you will know how much I love a bucket list. Not only do I have an ever growing overall bucket list but I also like to make country specific list when visiting for a prolonged period. On top of this I have a 30 by 30 bucket list too.



Overland Trip Across Africa

I’m not sure if this really counts as one destination, as the trip I want to take spans across several different countries in Africa but I’m going with the fact it would all be part of one trip. Ever since visiting South Africa I have wanted to explore more of Africa and of late my wish has been to do so with an overland truck across the land. Taking at least two months to slowly travel around with a lovely bunch of people and being able to enjoy everything Africa has to offer sounds ideal.



Visit Hawaii

Hawaii has always been a dream destination to visit for me, ever since the first movie I watched from this incredible island I was sold. Lately I have been watching the series of Lost so am even more desperate to visit this little gem in the Pacific. From surfing to exploring the rugged terrain there is so much to do in this lonely state of America. With several different islands to choose from I would want to make the most of my visit and make sure I got around them all.



Hike Machu Picchu in Peru

This destination is very narrowed down although obviously travelling around Central and South America is on my bucket list too. There is something iconic but special about Machu Picchu, I imagine it to be much like the ancient ruins of Angkor Temples in Cambodia. I would want to go all out on this trip and visit it the ‘proper’ way by hiking the Inca Trail to reach this incredible destination. Then be able to stay long enough to capture this place with a golden glow from the sun.

You can enter this competition too by writing your own blog post about your three top bucket list destinations and then tweeting your blog link to @Transun using the hashtag #TransunLights


Tags:  bucket list Competition

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