Gardening Magazine

The Big Rock Garden Is.... Done!

By Kate_miller

The Big Rock Garden is.... Done!

Russian Sage: Plant it where folks bump into it so they can enjoy the delightful fragrance.

 My August garden is ~ not yet ~ looking as tired as I feel. But, I can see exhaustion setting in as I wander about the flower patches, putting off the hard work for as long as I can.

The Big Rock Garden is.... Done!

John Cabot Roses never disappoint. Blooming from June - September.

Each morning, I find myself crossing fingers and toes, in high hopes of a cool breeze that will not come.

The Big Rock Garden is.... Done!

Under-achieving Coneflower

It's not as hot here as in other places but heat is relative and I'm a weenie.
I truly, madly, deeply hate working out in the hot, hot sun but calendars don't lie. Summer is nearly over. And, this is the last push to the 'finish line.'
Do you make a to-do list? I'm a list maniac. I've got life lists and landscaping lists. Hell, I even jot down a hate list when I'm in a particularly foul mood. (I tear that one up as quickly as I write it down, so don't even bother snooping around my home office..)
If you were to use the blog as an indicator it may appear I've done very little gardening this season. Certainly haven't made the effort to talk about it...

The Big Rock Garden is.... Done!

Coming Attractions: Pear and Gorgonzola Salad. (Yum!)

In truth, this has been one of the busiest gardening seasons on record. After a long cool spring, and injuries that waited until July to heal... I found myself behind the 8-ball on every outdoor project.

The Big Rock Garden is.... Done!

In the beginning, it looked like this. A rock the size of a Jeep Wrangler.

Something had to give. So, I decided to focus on what matters most. I abandoned the computer, in favor of the shovel, and proceeded to go a little hog wild. Mostly, wrestling the last of the Big Rock Garden into submission.

The Big Rock Garden is.... Done!

I double dog dare you to find that ugly rock.

I guess I didn't blog about it because I've been droning on about this garden project for. ever.
The Big Rock Garden is.... Done!
But, it's done, now. If a garden is ever done.
Let's just say it's as done as it will ever get. Plus, I managed to scratch every single thing off the to-do list, with the exception of item #1.
That infernal water feature. Which has sat at the top of my list, inspiring annual guilt trips, since 2007.
Ah, well, there's always next year...
Stay cool, dear Garden Bloggers.

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