Hair & Beauty Magazine

Review: Hera UV Mist Cushion (Olympia Le-Tan 2015 Limited Edition Black Collection)

By Beautifulbuns

Now it’s been a while since I’d applied this Hera UV Mist Cushion – I first discovered it back in 2012 (and clearly it’s finished since then). I’ve moved on to trying other BB cushions since then as well, but when I saw this Olympia Le-Tan limited edition for 2015, I knew I just had to have it. Just look at the casing – it’s gorgeous and gold. It was a lost battle from the first second I laid eyes on the in-mag advertisement as I dyed my hair. Hah. I am such a sucker. Thankfully, this is also supposed to have a new formula from the previous version, so at least I’ve got an eensy weensy justification in buying this.

Now the Olympia Le-Tan collection comes in two versions -the Black Collection and the Pink Collection. And since you guys know I’m such an incorrigible addict, I of course bought both versions of the UV Mist Cushion. In fact, I would have bought all the items in the collection had they not been sold out. Gah.

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition (12)

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition pink

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition black

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition black styled

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition (1)
Hera UV Mist Cushion – KRW65,000

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition (2)

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition (3)

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition (4)

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition (5)

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition (6)

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition (7)

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition (8)

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition (9)

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition (10)

Hera UV Mist Cushion 2015 limited edition (11)

I say…

The Packaging: Well, the photos speak for themselves – this is a gorgeous gold rimmed casing (and gold interior as well) with a mattt-gloss illutrated exterior. The black portions are matte to the touch while the illustrations of the pencils are sort of uv laminated (aka shiny, glossy finish). I have to give props to the illustration – it actually looks textured but it’s not! Other than that, it’s the usual compact casing with a flip-out tray that acts as both a sponge puff holder as well as a moisture seal for the bb cushion.  The refill for this can fit into Laneige’s casing but not vice versa.

The Scent: It’s been a while since I smelled this scent, but I love that it hasn’t changed much – it’s still a lovely fragrance that has a hint of fruity notes. It doesn’t overwhelm the senses and fades after you’re done applying it on your face.

The Application/Finish:

  • When freshly applied: An undeniably radiant and beautiful finish that covers up most of the blemishes and dark eye circles. It’s more matte than dewy (about 70% matte; 30% dewy), so those who are adverse to shine will like this product. It applies smoothly and easily too.
  • After a few hours: Those who have dry / dry-combi skin, take note: This does not perform well on your skin. I have oily-combi skin type, and I noticed after just a few hours (3-4 hours), the portions that are drier/extremely oily immediately started to show patchiness. The corners of the nose, the chin, as well as areas where I had post-pimple scabs were significantly enhanced by the patchiness/oxidisation. That said, the cheekbone /cheek area was surprisingly immune to this. I attribute this to the clay content – it can absorbed exceed sebum (I didn’t have to blot till like 6-7 hours after initial application), BUT the by-product of clay + bb cushion + facial oil is not a pretty sight. You can click on my photo above to enlarge and observe the chin/corners of the nose.
  • Touching up: Since it gets patchy really quickly on dry skin areas, my first reaction is to touch up at those areas. Unfortunately, it gets even more patchier. I find that the best way to touch up is to wet a sheet of tissue, wipe it gently over the area and re-apply.

The Verdict: I’m on the fence for this one. It probably doesn’t suit my skin type, but may perform better on those with sufficiently moisturised / not-so-oily skin. The coverage and scent are great, oil control is strong, and the overall finish is a radiant and natural one without looking overall dewy or shiny. It works fine on the normal (non-dry and non-oily) zones but doesn’t perform well on other areas. It’s a pity that my oil glands had to come and break up this otherwise perfect union.

Psst: I’m looking to sell off the extra refill simple cos I have too many. Check out my sale page for more deets.

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