Love & Sex Magazine

Men Favor Brunettes and Curves?

By Renascence309 @renascence309

Last night was just one of those nights when I COULD NOT fall asleep. What’s a girl to do at 5 am? Look aimlessly through twitter ;) One of my fave bloggers Julie ( tweeted about a  recent UK study (which I’ll link down below) which was aimed at discovering which physical features men found most attractive in women.

To my surprise (I thought guys loved skinny blondes) approximately 60 percent of the 2,000 men polled said they preferred women with darker hair (33.1 percent chose brown hair and 28.6 selected black hair). Blonde hair received 29.5 percent of the votes.

The study also surveyed men about the size of women they prefer. According to the Huffington Post’s conversion from UK sizes to US sizes, “38.8 percent of men actually favor a pretty average girl — about a size 8 or 10. Only ten percent of British males find a size 2 or size 4 woman most attractive.”

So, there you go gals, indulge in that extra piece of chocolate, eat some pizza.

Now if only we could all look like Sofia Vergara (sigh)

I hope this article boosted your self-esteem ladies, it sure helped mine ;)


_ Pam x

UK study:

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