Destinations Magazine

I'm Back, Back, Back Again... Shanghai, China!

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

November 2023 was really a whole month of extremes, she really wasn't going to let me just be without any shady business occurring! I knew that I needed to rescue a certain December weekend because I wasn't going to be feeling any deeper shade of blue! When in doubt, take things 'Back, Back Again' to Shanghai for the first time in eight years! A Christmas Market? Go!

I'm Back, Back, Back Again... Shanghai, China!

Life had turned sour, I needed something sweet to liven things up! Andy suggested that I booked a ticket and packed a bag, I didn't need persuading because new scenery was needed! Other plans had originally been penciled in for December 8th but life threw me a curve ball and I wanted to change that into an epic weekend trip to both Suzhou and Shanghai! With a huge Christmas Market kicking off in Shanghai, it took me all of two seconds to think about accepting that offer! Oh, the relief I felt as my Suzhou bound train left Ningbo on that early Friday evening. I thought I was clever, after checking into my lush 'A Tour' room for the weekend, I found a very quiet lakeside with Andy not answering his phone! He sorted his phone out and his act, sinking a few Friday night drinks sorted me out alright! Life doesn't always go according to plan, these diversions are here to show us the right way! Getting back to Suzhou for that fourth time already had me thinking about a cultural fifth visit. The booze always wins! Bring it on, Miss Shanghai! 

Bright and early I met Andy and Brit, we headed for our Shanghai train but not before a hearty breakfast was onboard! Tickets booked and a day planned, we found ourselves on our super fast Shanghai train with our second drink in hand! I made sure that the train conductor gave us grace because we had blatantly plonked ourselves in the wrong carriage and seats. The conductor was secure with my Chinese answer that we found ourselves in the wrong part of the train. He assured us that because Shanghai was our intended stop, no issues would arise and we were free to drink up our beverages without a care in the world! We had such a laugh on the train, it like we had set off on an adventure? Yes, we respectfully went on our way as our China High Speed Rail train pulled into Shanghai Railway Station. How it felt correct to be back in China's most cosmopolitan city after an eight year hiatus! Good friends, Shanghai and a Christmas Market had truly saved me! There are no mistakes, I wasn't mad, it was my choice! 

I'm Back, Back, Back Again... Shanghai, China!

It felt completely alien when I saw glimpses of Shanghai's port buildings, it had been a place where my first crazy China moments had transpired! I felt like a child going to the seaside for the first time or a big city, everything felt heaven sent to be back in Shanghai with her most iconic views only a few metres away! Andy had secured a location and a half, we took a lift part way up and some stairs before we were greeted with one of China's most modern vistas staring back at us! Free flow she better don't! Oh, we did! Making those mixed drinks happen by the triple order was a choice! I had to take several breaths to realize the impact of those showstopping views. Conversation got spicy, we kept it real and most of all we knew ourselves. For us, those Shanghai foreigners looked different and they even acted different! I was glad that we didn't come from those China Expat ends! Do not tempt me with those 'Aperol Spritz' drinks, nothing good will come from it! I was gooped and gagged by that Bund! Shanghai was serving! 

That rooftop location had me surprised, the drinks were not badly priced! The free flow for two hours was less than a round in the UK at any self-respecting bar. Getting our moneys worth saw us mixing those drinks, we needed to keep to our time-slot for our Christmas Market visit! I noticed that the majority of those Shanghai living foreigners who were 'Brunching' that Saturday were not our vibe, that was a collective decision. Spicy our afternoon became but what is life without a little bit of spice, I don't need to elaborate on that facet of the day. I personally felt very blessed to have had that view over Shanghai's skyline with little to no obstruction, there were no mistakes and I truly believe that life hooked me up right! When would we be moving on? I wanted to eat some sweet treats and drink some more drinks at the market! Sure, we made tracks but why does drama always follow me but you know that I live for drama and it will continue to follow me! That brunch worker copped an attitude, lady that wasn't all my cheque! 

I'm Back, Back, Back Again... Shanghai, China!

Birmingham, England always brings back the 'Frankfurt German Christmas Market' each and every year, well for the last few anyway! For me, that West Midlands based market was the closest to my then location, not anymore because Shanghai had one epic China based German surprise for me! Making our way through the security check, I did not need another excuse for a drink because I was well on my way! Oh, for the hell of it I enjoyed a 'Santa's Hat', that was a poured red cocktail drink! A grilled cheese sandwich was enjoyed with that mixed drink! Those first purchases were super cheap, I even saw my currency converter stuttering at the price in GBP! Getting back on the beat, the crowds were all loving their lives, another drink? Twisted my arm, you did! I made mine a full pint of 'Paulaner' but not before it was poured with a whole head on it, my pub childhood switched back in! That Christmas Market was unhinged! Waffles with Swiss chocolate? I couldn't say no for the price, it was a pure steal! Did I need a break? No!

I needed the toilet and that bodily function saw me scale a whole underground car park, I was not a well person! Thankfully my Chinese language skills kicked in because my washed off stamp caused quite the stir, that was a choice on their behalf! Really? Finding our way back to that German beer stall, it was an absolute pleasure to have spent that time at the market. We slowly made our way back to the train station, slowly was the word of the moment because the traffic challenged us. Before we knew it, we were zooming back towards Suzhou with a whole lot to unpack! Nothing that a good night wouldn't sort out? Yes, get on it! I vaguely remember eating a train bought meal to line my stomach after the market, I had a certain bar to visit and so did Andy, Brit & Ryan. No words come close to the carnage that was caused during that Saturday and even the Friday night before the Shanghai trip! I know I need to pay more attention to Shanghai, I am working on it! Definitely, the best value Christmas Market ever! So much better! 

A Shanghai Surprise! 

Desperately Seeking Adventure 

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