Creativity Magazine

Eclipse, Rapture, and Intermittent Vegetarianism

By Vickilane
Eclipse, Rapture, and Intermittent Vegetarianism
The early morning sky and the weather report promised a cloudy day, and that's what we got. John and I sat out on the porch during totality and noted the drop in temperature, but the light hardly changed, it was so cloudy already. The dogs didn't seem to notice anything unusual.

Another disappointment was that apparently, Marjorie Taylor Greene and the cohort of Magahats weren't raptured away.  Just imagine how, with that gang gone, Congress could get to work and actually do something useful rather than parroting Russian propaganda.Oh, well. 

                                                                               Eclipse, Rapture, and Intermittent Vegetarianism

In a whiplash-inducing change of subject, here's what we had for dinner. We try to eat vegetarian every other night. Health, economy, environment all come into it.
 Tonight, it was crowder peas on basmati rice with a bit of thyme and lemon juice, topped with a veggie mélange--yellow squash, onion, red pepper, and green beans (using up veg before going to the store.) But the best part of the meal was the broccoli slaw with a ripe, sweet mango cut up in it. An amazing pairing.(My dressing for slaw is something like this--half a teaspoon sugar, one teaspoon salt (I use Jane's Crazy Salt,) a teaspoon of Dijon mustard, a teaspoon cider vinegar, and enough mayonnaise to moisten the slaw. These amounts are only approximate; you can adjust them to suit your own palate.)

Eclipse, Rapture, and Intermittent Vegetarianism

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