Lifestyle Magazine

Drugstore Product: Nivea Natural Fairness Day and Night Care Cream Review

By Kaye

Hi beauties! I feel it’s been ages since the last time I blog about product reviews. I have a whole lot of products to be reviewed but just got no time to sit and write about it or should I say I’m more inclined to writing other stuffs these days rather than giving my verdict on a certain product.

Well today might be different coz I’ll be sharing with you a drugstore product I’ve used for about a month now. Actually I have posted a teaser on my Facebook Page a week or so and I promised to write a review about it. So here it is….

Nivea Natural Fairness Cream Day and Night Care

Nivea Natural Fairness Cream Day and Night Care ReviewNivea Natural Fairness Cream Day and Night Care Review

Nivea Natural Fairness Cream comes both in Day and Night Care just like other whitening product brands. Because it is a drugstore product, the price is quiet practical as compared to high-ends so it is enticing to try it on. I got my first set of Nivea Natural Fairness Cream Day and Night Care on sale at SR 29 each (approx. $ 8) at a local hypermarket.

Nivea Natural Fairness Cream Day and Night Care comes in jar of 50 ml. A downside I must say because it isn’t that hygienic considering you have to dip your fingers in everytime you apply the cream. I prefer the pump bottles over jars for obvious reasons.

According to the product labels, Nivea Natural Fairness Cream Day and Night Care contain HYDRA IQ, an aqua effect skin tech which leaves skin fairer and radiant and intensively moisturize skin day and night. HYDRA IQ are supposed

to stimulates the creations of new aquaporins, the skin cell own hydration channels, improving moisture flow with skin cells which result would be an optimum moisture distribution even in the deeper skin layers.

Did I mention that label says 10X fairer skin in 10 days? Yes it did say like that! So did it actually happened? I mean did I get fairer skin in 10 days? Read on beauties to find out more.

Basically, Nivea Natural Fairness Cream Day and Night Care are just the same except that Day Care contain ProVitamin B5 that relaxes and regenerates the skin during the night while the Day Care contains SPF 30 that protects you from the sun which is the main cause of skin darkening. Also, Night Care has richer, creamier and heavier consistency compared to the Day Care.

Nivea Natural Fairness Cream Day and Night Care – The Review

Nivea Natural Fairness Cream Day and Night Care ReviewNivea Natural Fairness Cream Day and Night Care Review
Moisturization – 10/10

I love how it moisturize my skin. It really does a great job on that.

Whitening – 7/10

I did noticed my scars get lighter a bit which is by the way the reason I would use a whitening face cream. I didn’t however noticed significant whitening effect on my entire face and neck.

Price – 9/10

The actual price is SR 39. Pretty fair I guess.

Packaging – 8/10

If it was only packaged in pump bottle, I would have given it a 10.

Recently, I noticed some pimples popping out in my forehead which I hoped isn’t related to Nivea Natural Fairness Cream Day and Night Care at all otherwise I have to discontinue it and go back to my old love Sebamed Moisturizer Cream which is a great product by the way.

Why Use Nivea Natural Fairness Cream Day and Night Care?

I’m not a fan of whitening creams and soaps especially the ones used for face because I have a very sensitive skin and two years ago I had a horrible experience which lead me to acne. After winning my battle against acne (though scars are still there), I became so anxious about whitening products whether drugstore or high-ends. I see to it that I used moisturizer at least once a day but I’m not that consistent as well even with moisturizers so how can you expect with whitening products which should be used regularly?

If not only to whiten my acne scars, I can live without any whitening products but because I don’t like to yes bleaching creams that peel, I was hoping some drugstore product could help me with my predicament without damaging my pocket and in this case I really hope Nivea Natural Fairness Cream Day and Night Care can do some miracles.

Would I repurchase it again? Well yes! As a matter of fact I’m on my second set now.

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That would be all for now beauties. If you have used Nivea Natural Fairness Cream Day and Night Care and you wanna share your experience with us, do let us know by leaving your comments below.


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