Dating Magazine

Charlie Sheen- Poster Boy for Bad Boys Everywhere

By Datecoachtoni @CoachToni

Charlie Sheen has been married three times and two of his wives have accused him of verbal and physical abuse. His stints through the legal system are well known- due mostly to his addiction to illegal drugs. Back in 1990 he shot (accidentally) his then fiancée, Kelly Preston in the arm. Needless to say, they never married.

Most recently, Charlie was first hospitalized, then put in drug treatment after a major bender on drugs during which he trashed his suite at the Plaza Hotel in New York. He agreed to pay for damages and was able to wiggle out of any real consequences. Seems to be a pattern…

Charlie is a BAD BOY, plain and simple. He’s intense, displays erratic and unpredictable behavior, treats women very poorly- and is gaining in popularity since the recent string of interviews filled with verbal attacks on his show’s producer and narcissistic rants about his super abilities and many gifts. “Experts” weighed in and said he was toast, that no network or studio would touch him again. His career was deemed to be over, with no hope for redemption. Even his publicist quit after Charlie made some disparaging comments about him.

Not so fast. Charlie went on Facebook and started a page. The followers came. On March 2, Charlie broke Guinness World’s record for the fastest page to hit one million followers on twitter. Following that, Charlie was signed with a firm that writes messages from celebrities Facebook and Twitter accounts- each message endorses a product- ching ,ching… Charlie had the #1 rated sitcom on TV, but his popularity and name recognition, and apparently, earning potential, were never this high- not until he became a Bad Boy extraordinaire.

Now, what is it about Bad Boys? The badder they are, the more women and apparently the general public find them irresistible. In fact, a recent survey conducted by the Hollywood Reporter, showed that no amount of bad behavior could lead to Charlie being unemployed since, 96 percent of the respondents are in support of the actor returning to Two and a half Men.

Facebook fans, a great new gig, greater name recognition and oodles of free publicity. No wonder “nice guys” want to change their image. Ladies, if you are one of the many women who can’t resist a bad boy, you may want to read what Charlie’s exes and soon to be ex have to say about being with a guy like him. Yeah, it’s an adrenaline rush- until you come crashing down to earth without a parachute. If you have ever been taken in by someone like Charlie, take heart- you have lots and lots of company. There’s just something about Bad Boys.

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