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Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

By Adrenaline Romance @AdrenalnRomance
Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

"Beautiful things don't ask for attention," adventurer-photojournalist Sean O'Connell told Life negative assets manager Walter Mitty after seeing a magnificent but rare snow leopard through his camera. It may be just a quote from the 2013 adventure-comedy-drama movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. But the phrase rings true in real life-and in many destinations. The municipality of Samboan has its own gorgeous hidden wonder called Binalayan Falls in Barangay Bonbon.

With an established dirt trail and a steady influx of visitors, Binalayan Falls, popularly known as Hidden Falls, is not really hidden anymore. Still, it still has a mystical aura that continues to enthrall its visitors.

The entrance to Binalayan Falls is just a 5-minute ride away from Aguinid Falls. You can't miss it since there is a sign right beside the highway.

We completed our registration at the visitor's center, which doubles up as a souvenir shop and a sari-sari store. After finishing the registration, barangay captain Alvino Villarin accompanied us to the waterfall.

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

The first part of the journey is a 10-minute trek on flat terrain across a large mango grove. Notice that there are no stores, rest areas, shops, or carenderias unlike those in Aguinid Falls. That's because Binalayan Falls is not as popular as Aguinid although it is part of the Samboan waterfall trilogy.

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

The murmuring of a river is always a welcome sound in our adventures. We came to this small brook that supplies water to the lowland communities. And oh, that nice brown dog? That is Captain Villarin's faithful companion; he won't go anywhere without his master!

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

To get to Binalayan Falls, we need to cross three streams. Yes, there's no way of escaping wet feet, so wear your aqua shoes or trekking sandals.

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

About 20 minutes into the trek, we came to this cool clearing with the forest trees acting like a protective wall. Guests can relax here before proceeding to the main waterfall.

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

The rest area has a couple of benches and shades. They also fastened old tires with ropes to make makeshift swings. Just imagine swinging into the air with the river just below you!

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

Concrete dressing rooms and toilets are constructed for the convenience of guests.

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

A little farther upstream, we arrived at the first tier of the river. Concrete steps and bamboo handrails are installed so guests can get to the top easily.

Alexa had her first romantic thoughts here. Will her daddy and mama allow her to bring her crush so that they can chase waterfalls?

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

That's the first tier up close. The water is deep enough so that diving from the top of the tier is safe. Also, check out the right side of the 10-foot waterfall. That's a large opening for a cavern. I wonder where it leads to.

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

Once we passed by the first tier, we passed by this area of slippery boulders and carved steps. We could hear the sound of a waterfall, but where could it be?

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

Well, it turned out that we had to turn around a corner to get a glimpse of the enchanting Binalayan Falls. Yes, "hidden" is the right adjective for it; you can only see the waterfall after you make that right turn.

It is also easy to understand why it is commonly called the Triple Drop Falls. Rock outcroppings at the lip break the water's flow, creating its characteristic three drops, each about 50 feet high. Since the water has partial contact with the bedrock, Binalayan Falls is considered a ledge waterfall.

Large depressions in the bedrock make perfect diving platforms and hiding places. A small but deep pool of cold water forms at the base of the waterfall, which makes it a great place to frolic in. Finally, locals carved a set of steps at the side of the waterfall so guests can ascend to a natural diving platform.

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

Not as crowded as Aguinid or Dau Falls, the Binalayan Falls is perfect for families and friends who want to cool off and relax without having to contend with hordes of strangers.

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

Ponong Lake

We took Alexa and Mama Dinah to the cascades of Aguinid Falls. After an exhilerating river adventure, we headed to the well-hidden Ponong Lake, which is just a few minutes away from Mayor Calderon's guest house.

Check out the palm-like plants. Those are called saksak, and they are used for a variety of things. Saksak fronds can be used as roof thatching, wrapper for Samboan's delicacies, and more.

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

Well, Ponong Lake is not technically a lake but a large lagoon filled with brackish water. According to Sir Irwin, seawater once flowed here during high tide. But the construction of a nearby embankment obstructed the flow of the seawater. Now, the lagoon is constantly replenished by rainwater.

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

The thick grove of mangroves provide a perfect roosting place for the Manolong, a bird endemic to Samboan. The manolong has the ability to dive into the water and stay there for a period of time to escape its predators and hunters.

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

Two bamboo raft cottages provide guests with a place to sit down, relax, and munch on their snacks. A rope at the middle of Ponong Lake makes it possible for guests to take the raft towards the middle of the lagoon. Sounds like a great way to be in complete isolation or take your snack, isn't it?

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

It is not only Argao that produces delicious tortas. Samboan has its own version of fluffy torta. This is a type of sponge cake that is made out of flour, egg yolks, fresh coconut sap, and milk. The cake is then slowly baked in a stone-heated oven that is fired with coconut husks or firewood. The porous, spongy cake, which resembles a large cupcake, is then garnished with sugar and shredded cheese.

Torta goes very well with hot sikwate (native hot chocolate), but this time, we paired ours with an ice-cold Coke.

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

After finishing up our sweet tortas, we went to the embankment to catch a bewitching and calming view of the sun setting over Tañon Strait.

Our fun-filled weekend adventure in Samboan is a success. We covered hidden wonders and potential attractions that will place this lovely and rustic southern town as a must-visit eco-tourism and cultural heritage destination. Come to Samboan where you can experience Mother Nature's beauty, warm Cebuano hospitality, and rich culture all in one amazing place!

Binalayan Hidden Falls: Three Flows of Magic, Beauty, and Charm

Special Thanks

We would like to thank the following Samboan officials who warmly took care of us during our visit in their amazing town.

* Mayor Raymond Joseph Calderon
* Ma. Victoria G. Calderon, Chairperson of the Samboan Tourism and Heritage Council
* Irwin Gamallo, Samboan Tourism Officer
* Janice Marimat, Samboan Technical Guide
* Vincent Ortiz, Samboan Tour Guide
* Alejo Cabello, Samboan Tour Guide
* Eddie Hisoler, Colase Barangay Captain
* Alvino Villarin, Bonbon Barangay Captain

Together with the wholehearted support of the locals, they are the ones who planned, instigated, and implemented Samboan's impressively successful tourism programs. Samboan, we will be back to check out even more of your amazing attractions!

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