Lifestyle Magazine

Best Galapagos Islands to Visit on a Cruise

By Jolene Ejmont @Wanderluststory
Best Galapagos Islands to Visit on a Cruise

Do you have Galapagos on your next travel plan? Whether traveling with your family members and friends or on your honeymoon, this Galapagos cruise guide will come in handy in making the best travel decisions.

Galapagos has so many fabulous adventures on offer that will create a lasting memory in you even several years after your visit, and its islands are some of the most fascinating spots for animal lovers in the world.

A visit to the Galapagos is one experience with nature and wildlife that is so different from anywhere else on the planet!

Whether you are seeking to explore or just for some quiet relaxation, the islands seek nothing more than respect for their natural resources and the creatures that live there.

Best Galapagos Islands to Visit on a Cruise

The Galapagos islands are unique, and there are so many wildlife species to see that make the islands so worth visiting.

Galapagos beaches are distinct and wonderful, with different colors of sand ranging from green to red, to white, and even black sand. When it comes to wildlife, consider the Galapagos a paradise!

Wildlife on the Galapagos mainland is intriguing, but Galapagos boat tours are also a way to check out the waters and explore many islands comfortably in one trip. So diving and snorkeling in this area is something you want to plan for!

Beyond relaxing, enjoying excellent beaches, and curating lovely photos of wildlife, Galapagos offers you an endless opportunity to learn about the unique habitat. After all, the Galapagos islands inspired Charles Darwin's Exploration and the foundation of his theory of natural selection and revolutionary evolution.

Here are the best Galapagos islands to visit on a cruise.

1. Santa Cruz Island

Santa Cruz Island is one of the best Galapagos islands to visit and gain some nature experience, especially from the Charles Darwin Station in the area.

This island is the second largest and most populated, housing over 12,000 locals.

Some fascinating experiences in Santa Cruz include hiking tours of the highlands, kayaking trips, horseback riding outings, snorkeling and diving, and boat tours to nearby islands.

Also, check out Garrapatero Beach for some great swimming and snorkeling activities. Las Grietas is another area on the island - a canyon with clear waters and a vast amount of tropical fish.

The island also has a small lagoon behind the beach where Bahamas ducks and flamingos give an attractive sight.

2. Isabella Island

Galapagos' largest island, Isabella, is so big that the remaining islands put together are not as big as it is and it also has the third largest population of the islands.

One of its most significant towns is Puerto Villamil, a town that offers accommodation for tourists.

Isabella has numerous attractive spots, including Sierra Negra Volcano, the Giant Tortoise Breeding Center, and a lagoon that houses white-tip sharks, Las Tintoreras. There is also a place called the Wall of Tears, constructed between 1945 and 1959 by prisoners of the Penal Colony.

Isabella's west coast island features unique birds, whales, fish, and other creatures.

The island is accessible by a public boat from Santa Cruz island and a small airfield serviced by two major airlines, Air Zab and Embele.

3. San Cristobal Island

There are many fascinating realities about San Cristobal. Situated around 600 miles from the central area of Ecuador, it is the easternmost island of the archipelago.

Quite possibly one of the most established islands, it has destinations such as Cerro Brujo, a picturesque coral and sand beach, and an excellent place for snorkeling, scuba diving, and swimming.

You'll also find sea lions on the beach, with migratory and coastal birds visible alongside Blue-footed boobies and pelicans.

Other scenic beaches on the island include Sapho cove, Ochoa beach, and Puerto Chino.

4. Bartolomé Island

Bartolomé Island is, in many cases, cited as the island that has seen the highest number of pictures taken in the Galapagos.

It is especially known for being the home of the Galapagos Penguin and being featured in a blockbuster movie: Master and Commander.

Bartolome is an islet, and it is pretty new, having no human population.

Another area on the island is Pinnacle Rock, with an array of sea turtles on its beaches, including sea lions and other wildlife.

Black-tipped sharks and spotted eagle rays can be seen on this island's southern beach.


These islands should be at the top of your travel plans to the Galapagos. Travelers who have a few days to spend on the island should prioritize the key features of the islands to explore.

Make sure to pack your camera to capture remarkable memories of the islands while exploring them on a boat voyage, whether on a cutting-edge innovative yacht or a unique sailboat!

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