Art & Design Magazine

Alec Monopoly — Graffik Gallery

By Invisiblemadevisible @imv_streetart
Alec Monopoly — Graffik Gallery
Most people will recognise ‘Alec’ for the depiction on billboards, street walls and other streetscapes of the beloved Monopoly board game mascot Rich Uncle Penny Bags. In a more controlled, commercial gallery setup, ‘Alec’s’ work translates from an expletive gesture towards the invisible bureaucratic juggernaut into a multi-faceted array of Pop culture icons interspersed with financially-apocalyptic newspaper clippings. What separates his efforts from other high-profile graffiti artists who have effectively transitioned into the commercial art sphere (a.k.a. Banksy and Mr. Brainwash) is a deeper attraction to the ‘anti-hero’ personas of Jack Nicholson and Robert De Niro.
Exhibition opens 9th of June to 23rd of June 2011
Private view 9th of June. RSVP [email protected]
Graffik Gallery | 284 Portobello Rd

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