Debate Magazine

Why Pres. Lucifer Didn’t Sign up on Obamacare Website

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Phantom Obama

Over the Christmas holiday, you might have heard that the POS finally signed up for a new health insurance in the nick of time — on the last day when Americans could do so on the Obamacare website,

But what you probably don’t know is that Obama himself didn’t do that. Instead, he had his White House staff minion do it.


Because could not verify the identity of the man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama.

As explained by Wikipedia, “ is a healthcare exchange website created by and operated under the United States federal government as per the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (better known as Obamacare), to serve the residents of the 36 U.S. states that opted not to create their own state exchanges.” The site “functions as a clearing house to allow Americans to compare prices on health insurance plans in their states, to begin enrollment in a chosen plan, and to simultaneously find out if they qualify for government healthcare subsidies. Visitors sign up and create their own specific user account first, listing some personal information, before receiving detailed information about what is available in their area.

The personal information required by consists of a Social Security Number, employer and income verification, and the policy numbers of any current health-insurance plans – information that would be included in a government database for any U.S. citizen prior to applying for health insurance.

In the case of Obama, however, Jerome Corsi writes for WND, Dec. 24, 2013, that:

The White House appears to have dropped a bombshell when it explained to the press why White House staff in Washington enrolled President Obama in Obamacare instead of Obama himself.

Officials said it was because could not verify Obama’s identity.

Here is what Ed Henry, Fox News White House correspondent, reported on air:

“Somebody who’s not waiting in line to enroll is the president of the United States. We learned today from the White House. Initially, they said he signed up for what they called a bronze plan, paying about four hundred dollars a month in premiums. But, then they came back to us and said – ‘Well, wait. He didn’t actually enroll. They said his staff did it and that’s because of his unique circumstance obviously, as commander-in-chief, that his personal information is not in various government databases, so could not actually verify his identity, oddly enough. So, he had to do it in person this weekend, so he was signing up for the D.C. exchange, but his staff did it.”

A CBS report in Washington, likewise, explained White House staff had to go to an “in-person” Obamacare site to sign up Obama for coverage.

The Fox News report, noted by the Gateway Pundit, set off a round of speculation on the Internet.

What information was so sensitive for Obama that it had to be excluded from government databases?

Clearly, the information was not his [Connecticut] Social Security Number or his birth records, because the White House has claimed to have made public both. [...] On April 27, 2011, the White House released a form the White House claimed was Obama’s long-form birth certificate, making public Obama’s date and place of birth.

The White House also releases annually on a timely basis the income tax returns for Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, with the Social Security Numbers missing. Yet for the purpose of filing the IRS return, there appears to be no exception allowing the president or the vice president to omit their Social Security Numbers.

While the policy numbers of existing health-insurance plans covering members of the household would be protected for all citizens under various state and federal privacy statutes, the information does not appear to reach the threshold where national-security concerns would require keeping the information secret for the commander in chief under a national-security classification.

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