Hair & Beauty Magazine

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Tougher.

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
Hi everyone!
This is your official "Soppy Blog Post" alert...
AAAARRRGGGHHHHH - that's how I feel right now.
My mom wasn't doing too great and without going into any great details, she had to go to hospital and have major surgery last week. While she is thankfully doing pretty well now, it really did give me time to think and reflect on life and how I react in extreme situations.
When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Tougher.
I normally don't deal with things in the best way I could. I always regret the way I dealt with something and then promise myself to deal with it better if something similar should arise in future. Actually, I've now come to realize that there is no wrong way to deal with something, as long as you're dealing with it.
It's human nature to try and better ourselves and to learn from past mistakes but when something as major as ill health of yourself or a loved one is thrown at you, it's tough knowing that there's nothing you can do to change it. For me, I always like being in control of things I freak out if I can't control situations because I know that I won't let myself or others down but I'm not always so confident that others will be the same way.
I've always classed myself as the weakest of my family but actually, we all have personality traits that make each other stronger in some situations than in others. You usually find that when the going gets tough, the tough get tougher and deal with what needs to be dealt with. It's amazing how much you surprise yourself when you need to.
I know this post probably seems like all I'm being really self centered but as much as I would love to go more in depth about my Mum and how she is feeling, this isn't my Mum's blog and she didn't ask to
share her story and I don't think it would be fair of me to talk about someone else.
The point of this blog post? (you're probably thinking if I've gone off on a tangent, again...)
I'm basically trying to tell you that whatever life throws at you (bricks usually) you can deal with it. When the going gets tough, the tough really do get tougher. You'd be surprised at how you can cope when you really didn't think you would be able to. I always thought that if someone close to me took ill that I would collapse and have a nervous breakdown but actually, human instinct kicks in and you go into survival mode. I realized  I had my sisters to look after (even though they are 26 and 28...), I had two cats to look after and a job to get on with.
If I can do it, you can too. Trust me...

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