Self Expression Magazine

What is Quora: How Quora Can Help Your Business Grow

By Lisa @Lisapatb
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What is Quora?

Quora is a question and answer website that has been around for over a decade.

It’s where smart marketers and many other professionals go to find answers to their questions or to answer questions and share their knowledge.

How Quora Can Help Your Business Grow Online

It’s different than Google in that you receive answers from actual people. Users on the Quora network must sign up with their real names and identity.

So, if you have a question about Facebook marketing, for example, you can ask someone who works at Facebook.

Or, if you have a question about purchasing a new car you may get an answer from someone who works at Subaru for example. Users also collaborate by editing questions and commenting on answers that have been submitted by other users.

Isn’t that a great way to build up some knowledge by asking questions? Or, if you have some knowledge why not share it with others on the Quora network?

Hubspot called Quora the “Most Underrated Platform of 2019.”  There is a lot of marketing that can be done by using the site in both asking and answering questions.

Many of these answers will show up on the first page of Google. Now, that’s some great SEO juice!

Quora also drives a nice residual source of traffic for your blog or website. What’s better than that, right?

So, here are some tips on how Quora can help your business grow!

Isn’t that a great way to build up some knowledge by asking questions? #InspireToThrive
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How Quora Can Help Your Business Grow with Traffic

Quora can drive traffic to your website or blog. And that traffic is organic. People are searching for answers and they find your answer. Then they may click your link to read more.

(Note, it may take 6 months of answering questions like I did to generate this traffic. But once it came from Quora, it didn’t stop!)

It’s just like getting traffic from Google. Quora is a high-ranking site so it holds a high SEO value link. Now if you want to get more sales from your traffic be sure to check Anil’s tips to encourage that with your website traffic.

website traffic

People are searching for answers and they find your answer. #Quora
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How Quora Can Help Your Business Grow by Positioning You as An Expert 

People will respect you when you can help them with the answers that they need. I know I received a lot about Twitter suspensions on Quora and several have followed my blog and Facebook page ever since.

Be sure to have your profile filled out correctly as it will always show when you answer questions. Your credentials are what is shown every time in your answers for the public to see on Quora.

quora profile

Your credentials are what is shown every time in your answers for the public to see on #Quora.
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Learn from Quora Experts in the Field

You can learn a lot from people that work at companies such as Facebook, Google, etc.

What better way to ask questions about a Facebook page or Google than to someone who works there?

Google worker on Quora

Learn from Your Customers on Quora

So, if your business is on Quora and people have questions about your products or services, you are there to help them.

It’s better you are there to answer those specific questions rather than the competition! It can also give you ideas on what to blog about on your company website.

You can answer their questions in the form of a blog post or video.

Then, Learn from Your Competitors

You may also learn from your competitors on Quora. Read how they answer questions and how different their answers may be from yours.

Or, you may be able to expand upon the answers that they have written.

What is The Partner Program?

The Quora partner program is an invite-only program for its users. (If you don’t get an invite, you can inquire about it.) The program rewards those who ask pertinent questions on the network. This program was started back in early 2018.

The questions that are most read and answered are ones that Quora pays for. Just be sure to ask relevant questions and don’t ask questions for the money. People will see right through that!

Quora partner program

Learn How Can You Make Money From Quora Partner Program!

A fellow blogger Dexter from Info Bunny recommended I join the Quora Partner Program. I had no idea what it was.  You can read about his experiences on Quora here. Thanks, Dexter, for pointing that out to me. It’s called a Partner Program on Quora. You can inquire about Quora and see if you qualify.

Some people on Quora claim to make over $1200/month with the Quora Partner Program. Quora shows you the highest earners as well to encourage you to ask more questions.

You will need to set up a Stripe account to be paid after you earn $10 on the Quora network.

So instead of asking Google questions, ask them over on Quora and invite experts in the field to answer them. Each question is monetized for 12 months on the Quora network.

Some people on Quora claim to make over $1200/month with the Quora Partner Program. #quora
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How to Get Started

As with any social media network be sure to fill out your profile completely.  Do include your image as people once again love working with others they know!

Fill out your work and life experience. Then you are ready to ask and answer questions. Make it a daily 15 minute routine on Quora.

Ask and answer questions

After several months you will begin to see some results with traffic to your website. The more complete your answers are with images and examples the better the answers will be seen. Some people answer each question as they would write a blog post. (They can be that long!)

Next, be very careful not to leave links in every answer. You could become banned from Quora as Neil Patel had been years ago. This network usually does not put up with spam on its network. Other times, answers may be moved or merged.

If Quora does slap you with any violation do inquire why. They will take them off if you are correct. (Been there, done that!) 

Make it a daily 15 minute routine on Quora. #onlinebiz
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Sharing Your Questions and Answers

To generate more views on your answers and questions on Quora share them! Yes, you can share them right on their network itself and out to the social networks.

Oftentimes, I will share mine on Twitter and sometimes on Facebook, depending on the topics. This will increase your views on Quora and generate more answers to your questions.

What Are Quora Spaces?

Quora started these spaces in 2018 to let users curate collections and form communities around their shared interests and topics.

It’s a place where people can work together to answer questions. Some can start their own space and invite others to them. (It’s limited right now.)  But you can join other spaces there.

If you are a member of a space you can invite others on Quora to join that space. Therefore, these spaces are similar to Facebook Groups.

For example, you may join my Quora space called “Lisa’s Blogging Tips”. Not only do I share some tips but I share other content in this space.


Spaces are also the place where you can blog on their network. Sometimes, I’ll make a mini-blog post about blogging in this space.

If you are a member of a space you can invite others on Quora to join that space. Therefore, these spaces are similar to Facebook Groups. #QuoraSpaces
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Should You Blog on Quora?

Quora also allows you to do blog posts right on their network in spaces. But is it good for you to do so?

I recently listened to Ryan Biddulph on that subject. He explains like I thought, not to use it only for your blogging platform. Even in the URL, it would show as Quora first before your brand.

Therefore, a Quora blog is a rented space like on any other social network. Your own website is your home and where you should blog the most. Your own domain is a property you own!

However, you may draw people to your blog from these spaces!

What is Quora Plus?

Subscribers will pay a $5 monthly fee or a $50 yearly fee to access content that any creator chooses to put behind a paywall on the network.

The other option is for creators to write paywalled posts on Spaces, which are like user-created publications on Quora that you see like my blogging tips space. I have yet to write a paywalled post but may try it in the future.

Ads on the Network

Did you know you can also advertise on the network for as little as $5 per day?

Not only that but you can optimize for conversions, clicks, or impressions, and see real-time reporting in the Ads Manager.

Not only that but there is an option for native ads on the site, that you may have noticed with “sponsored” on them.   

  • Posts must be attributed to verified real names.
  • Team of human moderators and best-in-class machine learning.
  • Exclusion capabilities and only high-quality pages are ads eligible.

How Quora Can Help Your Business Grow

So, I hope you have learned how it can help your business grow for 2022 and beyond. It’s a great way to drive targeted traffic to your website or blog.

It adds SEO juice for you and you may also meet some wonderful experts that you can get to know on this question and answer network and elsewhere.

Lastly, have you been using Quora for your business? I’d love to know more in the comments below!


Frequently Asked Questions

  What is Quora?

Quora is an online community where users ask and give answers to questions.

How Can Quora Help Your Business Grow Online?

It can generate traffic back to your website when you answer questions and provide a link. Be careful not to spam!

What is the Partner Program?

As a partner, you can earn money by asking questions that many people want answers to and by requesting qualified writers to answer questions. The Partner Program compensates users who make Quora better and is by invite only.

What is Quora Plus?

$5 monthly fee or a $50 yearly fee to access content behind the paywall.

Can you blog on Quora?

Yes, you can blog on Quora but of course, it’s best on your own self-hosted blog.

Can you position yourself to be an expert on the network?

Yes, answer questions in your niche with well-informed answers. Include images and listicles to help them look more professional.

Can you advertise on Quora?

Yes, ads start at $5 per day. They also offer native ads on the platform itself.

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