Debate Magazine

TSA Agents Collude to Grope Men’s Genitals at Denver International Airport

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

TSA groping

A male Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screener at Denver International Airport (DIA) colluded with a female agent so as to grope the genitals of attractive male passengers.

Brian Maass reports for CBS4 Denver, April 13, 2015, that according to law enforcement reports, a male TSA screener would alert his female accomplice whenever a male he finds attractive comes to be screened. The female agent would falsely instruct the scanning computer that the person being screened is a female. The scanning machine, “thinking” the individual is a female, would issue an alert that there’s an anomaly in the genital area. That in turn leads to the male TSA agent to conduct a pat-down of the male passenger’s genitalia.

CBS4 claims that happened “roughly a dozen times.”

Although the TSA learned of the accusation on Nov. 18, 2014 via an anonymous tip from one of the agency’s own employees, it would be nearly three months before anything was done.

On Feb. 9, 2015, TSA security supervisor Chris Higgins watched the screening area, observing the employees. The law enforcement report says that at about 0925, Higgins observed the male TSA screener appear to give a signal to the female screener who was responsible for the touchscreen system that controls whether or not the scanning machine alerts to gender- specific anomalies. Higgins then watched a male passenger enter the scanner at DIA and the female TSA agent pressing the screening button for a female. The scanner alerted to an anomaly. Higgins then saw the male TSA screener conduct a pat down of the passenger’s front groin and buttocks area with the palm of his hands, which is contradictory to TSA searching policy.

CBS4 continues:

Higgins later interviewed the female TSA agent who was an accomplice in the groping conspiracy. She “admitted that she has done this for (the male TSA officer) at least 10 other times. She knew that doing so would allow (the male TSA officer) to perform a pat down on a male passenger that (the male TSA screener) found attractive,” reported Higgins.

Note to all those who sneer at and mock “conspiracy theories”: Here’s a real case of conspiracy!

The TSA said the male passenger whom Higgins had witnessed being fondled was flying on Southwest Airlines and the agency has a videotape of the incident. CBS4 has requested the tape but it was not immediately released. TSA says it could not identify the male passenger who was groped, which I call B.S.

A spokesperson for TSA released a brief written statement to CBS4 saying,

“These alleged acts are egregious and intolerable. TSA has removed the two officers from the agency. All allegations of misconduct are thoroughly investigated by the agency. And when substantiated, employees are held accountable.”

The agency has not released the names of the two fired employees and refused a CBS4 request for an interview.

Earlier this month a prosecutor from the Denver District Attorney’s Office was asked to review the case but she declined to press charges because there was no reasonable likelihood of conviction and no victim had been identified.

It’s not the first time TSA screeners at DIA have been accused of inappropriate touching of passengers. Jamelyn Steenhoek filed a complaint against TSA screeners at the airport saying the frisking she received in December 2013 amounted to a sexual assault when a female TSA agent searched her at an airport checkpoint after an alarm went off.

Steenhoek said, “There are just areas of my body I’m not comfortable being touched in. On the outside of my pants she cupped my crotch.” She said “the part of the search that bothered most was the breast search. You could tell it shouldn’t take that much groping. I felt uncomfortable, I felt violated.”

However, the Denver District Attorney’s Office announced in 2014 it would not be filing criminal charges in the Steenhoek case.

What happened at DIA is not the first case of TSA agents groping passengers’ genitalia. Infowars reported in September 2012 that following a FOIA request in 2010, the non-profit website finally released the files after a two year battle with the TSA to make them public.

The letters confirm that the TSA’s new security procedures for “advanced pat downs” include touching, fingering and groping the vaginas and even the labia of female passengers, and the penises and testicles of men.

Denver International Airport is also where, in 2010, a gigantic, 7-ton, 26-foot-tall concrete statue of Anubis was installed. Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of the dead and of the afterlife.

The airport is also known for its many occultish symbols, including an apocalyptic horse with glowing red eyes welcoming visitors, nightmarish murals of people wearing gas masks, strange words and symbols embedded in the floor, gargoyles sitting in suitcases, and runways shaped like a Nazi swastika.

This is how Vigilant Citizen describes DIA:

…there are so many irregularities surrounding the DIA, that a voluminous book could be written on the subject.  The facilities and the art displayed lead many observers to believe that the DIA is much more than an airport: it is literally a New-Age cathedral, full of occult symbolism and references to secret societies. The art at the DIA is NOT an aggregation of odd choices made by people with poor taste, like many people think. It is a cohesive collection of symbolic pieces that reflect the philosphy, the beliefs and the goals of the global elite. The DIA is the largest airport in America and it has cost over 4.8 billion dollars. Everything regarding this airport has been meticulously planned and everything is there for a reason.


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