Humor Magazine

Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10
Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

We have already seen lots of cats in Super Mario costumes, so now it is time for Super Mario’s eternal rival Bowser to have a turn. He breathes fire, throws hammers, and uses all sorts of weapons in hopes of taking out Mario, but these ten animals still love him…

Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes


Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

Dog in a Bowser Fancy Dress Costume

10 – Dog

I firmly believe that there is nothing in this world a pug hasn’t been dressed up as at least once! Even Bowser costumes get in on the act. Normally around Halloween time.

Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

Cat in a Bowser Fancy Dress Costume

9 – Cat

I am sure some of these are supposed to be Bowser Jr costumes, but a cat would never want to be anything less than the leader of the Koopa Troopas.

Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

Dog in a Bowser Fancy Dress Costume

8 – Dog

I think dogs are just too lovable to be a real Bowser. Now, cats, on the other hand, they are much more likely to try and take over any kingdom, even a mushroom one!

Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

Ferret in a Bowser Fancy Dress Costume

7 – Ferret

While not the best costume design in the world, there is not many Ferrets you are going to see in a Bowser costume, so badger here deserves to be included.

Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

Dog in a Bowser Fancy Dress Costume

6 – Dog

Trust Bowser to be surrounded by his little minions. Good job there is a couple of power-ups nearby to defeat him.

Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

Cat in a Bowser Fancy Dress Costume

5 – Cats

Is it just me or do dogs make these Bowser costumes look a lot better than cats. Make cats are more Princess Peach than the Evil ruler.

Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

Dog in a Bowser Fancy Dress Costume

4 – Dog

This dog even seems to have Bowsers evil eyes! Fair play to whoever made this, it is a great costume and sure to win any dog Cosplay awards.

Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

Terrapin in a Bowser Fancy Dress Costume

3 – Terrapin

While Terrapins are certainly angry and aggressive enough to be Bowser their size lets them down a little bit. But still a very good costume worthy of a nod of approval.

Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

Dog in a Bowser Fancy Dress Costume

2 – Dog

It is his grumpy little face that tells you he has just lost Princess Peach again and will have to plot yet another kidnap attempt.

Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

Turtle in a Bowser Fancy Dress Costume

1 – Turtle

He might well look more like a fire breathing dragon, but Bowser really is nothing more than a Turtle! So I thought it would be rather fitting to end on what he might look like in real life.

Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes Top 10 Animals in Bowser Fancy Dress Costumes

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