Tech Magazine

The Justice League: Social Media Sites Version

Posted on the 16 January 2012 by Jesusmsanchezl @JesusmSanchezl
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The Justice League: Social Media Sites Version

New social media networks are always coming and everyday we are victims of the imminent marketing bombing of how these services are going to make our lives so much easier to live. In fact, we like them because we find the right kind of content.

So what if we pretend for a second that the Internet was a movie consisting of a lot of superhéroes?. Superheroes? Why?

Think on all the websites we use on a daily basis and what superpowers would they possibly have?

Actually, it is quite easy to find out thanks to an amazing infographic called The Internet Justice League was put together by College Humor. This is actually quite brilliant beacause it helps you to take in some knowledgeable information in the simplest  way.

I hope you find this quite hillarious and usefull at the same time!




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