Other Sports Magazine

SixSixOne Rage Kneepads Review

By Grindinggears

How many times have you crashed and cut up your knees? Protecting your knees is important when riding your bike, however you don’t want to compromise on comfort and manoeuvrability. There are hundreds of different kneepads out there, some designed specifically for DH while others are for more general purpose.

If you’re looking for a kneepad that offers the durability for downhill thrashing, combined with pedalling comfort then it is well worth looking at the SixSixOne Rage Kneepads.

SixSixOne Rage Kneepads

There are two types of Rage pads available – the soft shell and the hard shell, quite predictably they are exactly what is written on the label. The hard shell provides much higher levels of protection and is more downhill orientated, while the soft shell still offers good protection but is much more comfortable for all day riding.

SixSixOne Rage

We’ve been using the 2013 soft shell model for the past few months and taken enough spills to say that the protection is definitely there. Hard landings on rocks and smashing into trees has left no cuts and surprisingly no bruises, and this year’s 661 Rage Kneepags are supposed to be even better.


Rage Knee
The protection is undeniable, with padding over the kneecaps and on the sides, you know that even in the stickiest crashes your knees will come off all right. In terms of looks, these pads are pretty trendy – the sleek, smooth and basic look promises not to clash with any of your existing riding gear. With Velcro straps on the top and bottom of the kneepad, they are easy to fit and provide ample amount of security to stop them sliding around or riding up/ falling down when on your rides.

Getting the fit right is crucial, as if they are too large or small they will obviously be uncomfortable. We’ve done everything from DH all the way to 35km XC rides wearing these pads, and not once have these pads let us down. Having said that, when they are soaking wet they can become a bit heavy and awkward on longer rides.

Probably one of the best things about the SixSixOne Rage pads is the fact that they come with a price tag of just £45! That’s a whole lot of protection for not a lot of money. Ideal for those of us who don’t like paying over the odds but still expect the best quality from our products.

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