Environment Magazine

Recycle a Red Telephone Box

Posted on the 02 July 2012 by Thewritefuture @thewritefuture

Red telephone box
Some things should never be removed from our street view and this is definitely the case with the red telephone boxes in England. But since almost every person has (at least) one cell phone there is no more need for British Telecom (BT) to keep them in service. Instead of just getting rid of them, BT has decided to offer them to the public for adoption, for just £1. The Adopt a Kiosk program is a successful initiative, many telephone boxes have already been adopted and turned into a something special. The new owners are completely free in what they want to do with it. Some have turned it into a library, others transformed it into a bench and many boxes are now pieces of art! I am definitely going to adopt one, I just can't decide if I should transform it into a small office or into a bed. In both cases it is great to be able to just close the door and not be disturbed by anyone. Maybe creating a bed in it, will make it look like a coffin, which would actually be symbolic for some one like me who always has a phone glued to her ear. BT box

More info:

BT Adopt a Kiosk

BT Artboxes



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