Destinations Magazine

RADARSAT-1 Story: A Canadian Satellite

By T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

RADARSAT-1 Story: A Canadian Satellite

The RADARSAT-1 Story: A Canadian Satellite

The RADARSAT-1 Story: A Canadian Satellite is a 136 page book about the creation and operation of the first Canadian commercial Earth observation satellite, RADARSAT-1. RADARSAT-1 utilized synthetic aperture radar to obtain images used to help better manage natural resources and monitor climate change. RADARSAT-1 was featured on the back of the Canadian 100 dollar bill in 2004.

The RADARSAT book includes an extensive gallery of photos and images and documents how the RADARSAT program became an important part of Canada’s space history. You may also want to download some of the freely available RADARSAT-1 data.


March 23, 2015 | CanadianGIS
  • Geo Books
Tags: book, Canadian, download, Earth observation satellite, RADARSAT, RADARSAT-1

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