Debate Magazine

Quote by a Crazy Christian – His Solution? Vote for Jesus!

Posted on the 10 July 2012 by Btchakir @btchakir

Quote by a Crazy Christian – His solution? Vote for Jesus!Televangelist Bill Keller (said by some to be the most popular televangelist in America), is adamant that a vote for either Obama or Romney is a vote for Satan, resulting in condemning the voter to a life in Hell. Ordinarily, one could say to any American voter that this guy is completely insane. However, we don’t seem to be living in ordinary times.

Keller became an extreme, conservative Christian while serving a prison term as an insider trader in the stock market. Upon getting out, he went to Liberty University under the tutelage and right wing influence of the late Jerry Falwell. Like Falwell, he doesn’t separate religion from politics.

Here’s what Keller has stated on television about Obama and Romney:

“A Christian is faced with a difficult dilemma this November. It is literally Satan flipping a two-headed coin with his head on both sides. How can a Christian in good conscience vote for President Obama, who has proven to be the most pro-baby killing, pro-radical homosexual, pro-enemy of Israel President in our nation’s history.”

“On the other hand, how can a Christian in good conscience vote for Mitt Romney, a 5th generation member and priest of the Satanic Mormon cult. His Presidency would give his cult the mainstream acceptance they have always wanted since being founded 200 years ago by a documented con-artist, racist, pedophile, polygamist, and murderer named Joseph Smith. Conservative estimates are that Romney’s cult will add at least 1 million converts in the US alone. For a Christian, that means 1 million souls who will buy into a false Gospel and burn in hell for all eternity!”

Keller’s solution for his followers is a denial of government altogether – vote for Jesus:

“Jesus will never get elected, but if we can get a million people writing in the name ‘Jesus’, it is not only going to impact the election, it is going to make a statement that Christians aren’t going to just take whoever they are offered anymore.”

Here’s what I think: getting people to vote for Jesus makes them disown their identity as Americans. It also gives an advantage to Romney, since many Christian organizations are recognizing Mormons as Christians, despite what Bill Keller says, and vote for Jesus would most likely to be a vote against our first black president.

Religion should not be part of our government and wasn’t intended to be by the Founding Fathers. Sarah Palin has raised the same issue… and she is just as wrong:

Quote by a Crazy Christian – His solution? Vote for Jesus!

Frankly, I’d agree with John Adams before I’d consider the religious misdirection of Keller and Palin.

And you?

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