Love & Sex Magazine

Price Point

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

September 2, 2021 by Maggie McNeill

How do escorts decide how much to charge? I can't seem to find much correlation between rate and my satisfaction; I've seen amazing women charging a third of what I paid for a terrible session with a far less attractive provider. Do they target a certain number of dollars a month? A certain number of clients a week? I've definitely known ladies to raise rates if they're busy but I've never seen them lower rates.

Price PointPrice PointMost escorts charge whatever is typical for their area, but some choose to charge a bit less to attract more business or a bit more to work less while still making what they need or want to earn. It's interesting that you seek some correlation with quality, when that isn't true of any business; quality of widely-available goods and services often has very little to do with what one pays for them. Every person has bills and other financial goals, and anyone not fortunate enough to have a trust fund has to figure out what they need to do to meet those needs and goals; why would you expect pros to differ from amateurs in that respect? And why in the world would you expect ladies to ever lower their rates, especially in a time of higher-than-normal inflation? Would you ever go into your boss and ask him to pay you less, or if you have a business would you lower your rates (outside of some kind of marketing ploy)? Unless your business model is a "cheapest in town" one like Wal-mart, that does nothing but create the appearance of desperation, and in any luxury service that can be severely detrimental to business (not to mention the provider's mental health).

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