Politics Magazine

Patriarchy And Christianity

Posted on the 17 March 2013 by Jobsanger
Patriarchy And Christianity Another brilliant cartoon from David Hayward at the naked pastor. He drew it as a commentary on the fact that the new leader of the catholic church will be chosen by only men. No women will have any say in the matter. But the cartoon could be used as a commentary on nearly every christian sect, because nearly all of them are misogynistic. They still honor a First Century belief that women have no place in the hierarchy of the church and only a second-class status in society in general. Personally, I am amazed that so many women still settle for that kind of bigotry in this modern age, just because some religious leader (a man) tells them it is what god wants.
And lest anyone think I am just picking on christianity, let me just say that islam and judaism (and probably most other religions) are every bit as misogynistic as christianity. But the fact that most, if not all, religions were established as patriarchies doesn't justify any of them continuing that bigotry today.

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