Politics Magazine

Obamacare Is More Popular Than Ever Before

Posted on the 02 March 2018 by Jobsanger
Obamacare Is More Popular Than Ever Before
Trump and the Republicans seemed convinced that most Americans didn't like Obamacare. That's why they tried to repeal it. They were unsuccessful in repealing Obamacare, but they were able to damage it.
But their efforts did not bring them the accolades they expected. In fact, according to this new poll, Obamacare is more popular now than it has ever been -- with 54% having a favorable opinion of it and 42% having an unfavorable opinion (a significant gap of 12 points in favor of Obamacare).
That doesn't mean the Republican efforts have not had an effect on health care in the U.S. though. As the chart below shows, now 14% have no health insurance at all -- significantly higher than the11% not having coverage under Obamacare before the Republicans damaged it. Three percentage points may not sound like much, but it translates into millions of people in a country as large as ours.
These charts use information in a new Kaiser Family Foundation Poll -- done between February 15th and 20th of a random national sample of 1,193 adults, with a 3 point margin of error.
Obamacare Is More Popular Than Ever Before

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