Science Magazine

New Walking Dead Comic Character Coming to the Show

Posted on the 20 November 2012 by Ningauble @AliAksoz

Ok… I was thinking of treating this like a spoiler but I don’t think appearance of a new character spoils anything. In any case, if you think it does, then you should stop reading now.

A Walking Dead character from the comics finally coming to the TV show. Tyreese.

New Walking Dead comic character coming to the show

One of the main – and most popular – characters in the WD comics, Tyreese is a former professional football player. He and Rick are a great team and it had been assumed that Tyreese was simply not going to be in the series at all. However, reports he will be introduced on the series, played by Chad Coleman – known to fans of The Wire as Cutty, another cool and able character. Perfect casting, I must say. Coleman has more recently guest-appeared on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,The Good Wife, and Burn Notice.

New Walking Dead comic character coming to the show


Now the interesting part.

TVOvermind says that we’ll meet Tyreese by the end of Season 3 and the ones among you who know what went down in the comics, are probably frowning in confusion right now. How will he fit into the show’s current storyline? Can this be good or bad news?

New Walking Dead comic character coming to the show

Tell us what you think.



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