Politics Magazine

Mass Shootings/Gun Deaths Continue At Epidemic Levels

Posted on the 05 September 2022 by Jobsanger
Mass Shootings/Gun Deaths Continue At Epidemic Levels 

Congress seems to think they have done something to stem the tide of mass shootings and gun deaths in this country. They haven't. The bill they passed was pathetically weak, and will do nothing to save innocent American lives. Both gun deaths and mass shootings continue at epidemic levels, and both could easily set new records this year.

Sadly, even though large majorities of the U.S. public would like to see more done (like closing the loopholes in the background check law, banning assault-style weapons, limiting the amount of ammunition a magazine can hold, raising the age for buying guns to 21, etc.), but as long as Republicans hold veto power nothing will be done.

Republicans want you to believe the things I've mentioned would violate the Second Amendment. They are wrong. Those measures are all constitutional.

We could save thousands of American lives and still protect the right of law-abiding citizens to own a gun. But we must vote the Republicans out before it can happen.

The chart above is from the Gun Violence Archive.

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