Creativity Magazine

Looking To Join A Tribe? Don’t Try Too Hard To Fit In

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

Moxie is an Atlanta-based marketing agency. They talk about The Rise of Tribes. How people have fewer shared experiences today, but still want to connect. How they use social media platforms to find others who share their interests. They become part of a tribe.

Suppose a certain tribe is part of your target audience. Maybe it is your target audience. Your marketing challenge: learn their language (tribes have their own jargon), and engage them by posting tribe-oriented content.

But don’t try too hard to fit in. You’ll risk looking phony and patronizing. A lot of brands have made that mistake with millennials.

Sometimes a brand will actually become part of a tribe. Take Arby’s. Yup, the roast beef sandwich people. They started putting pop culture references in their social media posts– including references to video games. They got a huge response from gamers, who have become loyal Arby’s fans.

Embracing a tribe’s culture can pay big dividends. But take the time to know them first. Learn their language. And don’t try too hard to fit in.

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Looking To Join A Tribe? Don’t Try Too Hard To Fit In

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