Politics Magazine

In A Rare Moment Of Honesty Trump Says "No DACA Deal"

Posted on the 02 April 2018 by Jobsanger
Rare Moment Honesty Trump Says DACA Deal
Trump is again using Twitter to appeal to his base by spreading immigration lies. The tweet shown above is just one of the tweets he wrote yesterday. It starts with a ridiculous lie -- that Border Patrol agents can't do their jobs because of liberal laws like "catch and release".
"Catch and release" was never a law. It was a policy started by the government because they did not have the facilities to incarcerate all the undocumented immigrants caught entering the country. It did not work and was discontinued 12 years ago (in 2006). It is NOT something being done today!
But there was an amazing (and rare) moment of honesty in his tweet. It was when he said, "NO MORE DACA DEAL!". That shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone though. It has been obvious for quite a while now that Trump opposes any plan to protect the young people under DACA.
Remember, It was Trump that killed DACA to begin with. And while he said he wanted Congress to pass DACA, he was not serious. We know that because he killed any agreement that would accomplish that -- including a Democratic Party plan to fully fund his wall between the U.S. and Mexico in exchange for re-instituting DACA.
He told the media that it was Democrats who didn't want DACA. That's a ludicrous LIE! Democrats have always supported DACA and even shut down the government to try and get DACA at one time. It's Trump who has killed every agreement in the Senate to re-establish DACA.
Trump is trying to have his cake and eat it too. He knows his base doesn't want DACA, but he also knows the general public overwhelmingly does support DACA. The public knows these young people once covered by DACA grew up in this country, paid their U.S. taxes, did not commit any crimes, and get and education and/or served in the U.S. military. These are exactly the kind of immigrants this country needs. That's why the public wants them to stay and wants them provided a path to citizenship.
Trump doesn't want to be blamed this November for killing DACA, but the truth is that he (more even than his Republican cohorts in Congress) is responsible for no new DACA law being approved.
The truth is that Trump is a racist and xenophobe. He doesn't like any immigrant that is not white, male, and rich -- and the young people once protected by DACA don't meet those requirements. Because of that, he will happily kick them out of the only country they have ever known -- the United States. It's mean and immoral, but then meanness and immorality are Trump values.

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