Business Magazine

Go Daddy Invites You to Join the “Customer Council”

Posted on the 14 April 2016 by Worldwide @thedomains


Go Daddy sent out an email about customers joining a new “Customer Council” that they say will you have some input into new products and services.

You need to fill out a survey when you click the link in the email. No compensation but there is the mention of special drawings.

Full text of email:

We are putting together a select group of GoDaddy users to help shape our future! We are calling it the “Customer Council” and as part of our team, you will help us grow and be involved with future changes. once or twice per month, we will ask you to complete a short survey to provide us with feedback to help improve our products and user interface. Customer Council members will get an inside scoop as to what is going on at GoDaddy and will see how their input impacts GoDaddy decisions. As an added bonus, council members will be entered into special drawings!

This is an exclusive opportunity to help make GoDaddy everything you need and want it to be. Space is limited, so please click the link below and sign up to Join the Council!

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