Creativity Magazine

Crafting A Content Marketing Quiz

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

Content marketing… if you’re a business, it’s all about getting noticed and getting people to engage with your content. That’s how you attract prospects.blank vertical space, 16 pixels highBlankVertSpace.8pixelsOne way to do this is with a quiz. The quiz can be educational, entertaining, or both.

It’s a fun way for readers to learn something helpful, while allowing you to demonstrate your expertise.

Even a quiz that simply entertains can pay off in likes, follows, and social shares.

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I did two football quizzes for Chick-fil-A Restaurants last year. The second one was on the 2016 Peach Bowl: Alabama vs. Washington. (Alabama won, 24-7.)

A quiz like this poses a couple of challenges: not everyone is a diehard football fan, and some questions are bound to be more interesting than others.

Here’s where a custom illustration can make all the difference: it can add a laugh, it can attract even those who don’t follow football, and it can make the question seem a lot more interesting than it really is.

Perhaps most importantly: it gets noticed. People are more apt to stop and take a look.

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There were 9 questions altogether. Here are the three I liked best.

Answers at end, along with one additional question.


1. Which sporting event tradition first started at UWashington?

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Crafting A Content Marketing Quiz

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a) The singing of the National Anthem
b) Marching band show during halftime
c) The Wave
d) Holding up four fingers at the end of the third quarter

2. The Alabama mascot is Big Al the Elephant, but the team is known as The Crimson Tide. What inspired the team name?

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Crafting A Content Marketing Quiz

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a) Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association
b) White jerseys covered in red mud
c) The state’s official color
d) The color of opponents’ embarrassed faces after being beaten
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3. Which of the following was invented at the University of Washington?

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Crafting A Content Marketing Quiz

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a) Peanut Butter Cups
b) Bubble Gum
c) Aluminum bicycle frames
d) Polyester clothing
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Here’s the additional question:


Alabama won its first national championship in 1925 against Washington — its 2016 Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl opponent. What was the score of that game?

The four possible answers are the scores shown in the illustration below.

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Crafting A Content Marketing Quiz

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The subject is interesting from an historic standpoint– the same two teams met more than 90 years ago in a big championship game– but the question falls a bit flat: most people would have to guess, and there’s not much you can do to narrow down the choices.

I include it here because it’s a good example of how an illustration can “rescue” text by making it more entertaining. I think the humor also provides some cover for what is essentially an unfair question.


You can see the entire quiz on the Chick-fil-A site.

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Answers: (same order as above)

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c) If you’ve ever been to a sporting event, chances are you’ve done The Wave. But did you know the idea started at the University of Washington? It was first developed in 1981 by Robb Weller, a former UW yell leader, and Bill Bissell, then-Husky marching band director.


b) Early newspaper accounts of the university’s football squad simply referred to them as the “varsity” or the “Crimson White”. The first nickname popular with the media was the “Thin Red Line,” which was used until 1906. Hugh Roberts, former sports editor of the Birmingham Age-Herald, is credited with coining the phrase “Crimson Tide” in an article describing the 1907 Iron Bowl played in Birmingham. The game was played in a sea of red mud, which stained the Alabama white jerseys crimson.


b) If you guessed bubble gum, that’s correct. But if you’re thinking there are a number of other things created at UW, you’re right about that, too. Here’s something to chew on: in addition to bubble gum, vinyl, synthetic rubber and the color TV tube were all invented at the University of Washington.


The 1926 Rose Bowl is commonly referred to as “the game that changed the South.” In their first-ever bowl appearance, the Alabama Crimson Tide capped off an undefeated season, scoring all 20 of their points during the third quarter to top the Huskies 20-19.

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