Politics Magazine

"Big Lie" Kills GOP Confidence In A Fair Vote Count

Posted on the 03 November 2021 by Jobsanger

The chart above is from the NBC News Poll -- done between October 23rd and 26th of a national sample of 1,000 adults, with a 3.1 point margin of error..

It shows that the confidence of voters that their vote will be fairly counted has dropped significantly in the last year. In October of 2020, 85% thought the vote count would be fair. That has dropped to 66% in October of 2021 -- a whopping 19 point difference.

The difference is almost completely among Republicans -- from 84% in 2020 to 41% is 2021. Trump's "big lie" about voter fraud and Democrats stealing the election from him is almost surely the reason for the drop in confidence among Republicans. Too many believe his lie!

There was no drop among Democrats -- 89% to 89%. And only a tiny drop among Independents -- 81% to 76%.

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