Diet & Weight Magazine

Best Year Of My Life: Laisa’s Gastric Sleeve

By Beliteweight @BeLiteWeight

Best Year Of My Life: Laisa’s Gastric Sleeve

New Year, New You! At least this was the case for Laisa in 2019 who is 'beyond happy' with her decision to choose BeLiteWeight! Laisa had her Gastric Sleeve surgery just days before the New Years and in one year shed over one hundred pounds! We recently received the update below from her along with some images that we are very happy to share:

So happy to hear from you! It's been the best year of my life. I lost 109 pounds and I'm also down 4 dress sizes! I've had zero complications. I'm beyond happy with my decision and more importantly, choosing to go on this journey with Beliteweight 🙂 Thanks again for all of your help. I couldn't have done it without you. Forever grateful!

Best Year Of My Life: Laisa’s Gastric Sleeve Best Year Of My Life: Laisa’s Gastric Sleeve

A big congratulations to Laisa for her incredible achievements! She really looks great. If you have any updates of your weight loss achievements that you would like shared please send them to [email protected]. Happy New Years!!!

For more information on Gastric Weight Loss Surgery and other weight loss surgical questions, please call BeLiteWeight today at 1-800-215-6497!

This entry was posted in Bariatric Surgery, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Sleeve Plication, Gastric Sleeve Surgery, General, Lap Band Surgery, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Success Stories, Weight Loss Surgery by Jamie Eberle. Bookmark the permalink. Best Year Of My Life: Laisa’s Gastric Sleeve

About Jamie Eberle

Jamie Eberle is the Chief Financial Officer of BeLiteWeight. BeLiteWeight has helped over 7,000 patients have safe, affordable and successful weight loss surgery over the past eight years. Jamie has had bariatric surgery and knows the ins and outs of the different procedures, including: gastric sleeve surgery, gastric sleeve plication, vertical sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgery, and other bariatric surgery procedures. BeLiteWeight focuses on each patient's needs to help them choose the right procedure and get started on the path to a healthier life.

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