Books Magazine

WW: Halloween Hungama

Posted on the 04 November 2015 by Cheekymeeky

This year, we did Halloween on a slightly larger scale. Unlike last year, when Piglet was too scared of all the strangers and the weird costumes to even venture out of the house, this year, a Spiderman costume and the promise of candy had him embarking on his first trick-or-treating adventure. He almost backed out at the last minute, but we managed to coax him to come out and the two of us walked companionably trick-or-treating and eating chocolates along the way.

He still got a little scared (as our roads are very dark), and some people's costumes (including Snubnose) were pretty over the top scary.

Snubnose pretty much recycled last year's witch costume, but with an addition of a grey wig, prosthetic nose, and scary limbs to add a little more drama. She went trick-or-treating with her friends and had a total blast.

Fun times!

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