Politics Magazine

Who Does The Public Trust About Coronavirus Information?

Posted on the 01 April 2020 by Jobsanger
Who Does The Public Trust About Coronavirus Information?
Donald Trump is holding daily briefings on the Coronavirus epidemic. But he spends most of the time bragging about what he has done to mitigate the epidemic. Does the public trust what he is telling them? Who is trusted the most?
Business Insider / SurveyMonkey Poll asked 1,136 adults who they trusted the most. The survey was done on March 25th, and has a 3 point margin of error.
They asked the respondents to rate each of nine people on a scale of 1 to 5 -- with 1 meaning no trust and 5 meaning complete trust. The averages of all respondents are in the chart above.
The most trusted were Dr. Fauci and Gov. Cuomo. The least trusted were Donald Trump and Steve Mnuchin.

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