Humor Magazine

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Cats in Elf Costumes

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Cats in elf Costumes

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Cats in elf Costumes

When we took a look at “The Best Images of Dogs in elf Costumes” Earlier this week it seems some dogs were not happy wearing their costumes. But what about cats? Surly they love Christmas time even it they are only looking forward to attacking the Christmas tree! So I thought I would even the dog to cat ratio out again and bring you…

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Cats in elf Costumes

BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Elf Jokes

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Cat in a Elf Costume

Cat in an Elf Costume

10 – “Why? Why do you do this to me and then question why I scratch you?!? WHY?”

Q: What kind of music do elves like?
A: “Wrap” music!

Cat in a Elf Costume

Cat in an Elf Costume

9 – “This is only for us right? This is not going to magically appear on the internet is it?”

Q: Why do elves scratch themselves?
A: Because they’re the only ones who know where its itchy!

Cat in a Elf Costume

Cat in an Elf Costume

8 – “Dashing through the snow, in a one dog open sleigh!”

Q: How many elves does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Ten, one to change the light bulb and nine to stand on each other’s shoulders!

Cat in a Elf Costume

Cat in an Elf Costume

7 – ”Santa sucks, he tried paying me with stupid toys and not kitty nibbles! “

Q: What do Elves use to go from floor to floor?
A: An Elfevator

Cat in a Elf Costume

Cat in an Elf Costume

6 – “Put me down, or I will put you down!”

Q: What do they call a wild elf in Wyoming?
A: Gnome on the range!

Cat in a Elf Costume

Cat in an Elf Costume

5 – “This is not an elf costume, these are your mangy old Spock ears!”

Q: What is big, green and packs a trunk?
A: An Elfephant!

Cat in a Elf Costume

Cat in an Elf Costume

4 – “Christmas time is yum, yum, yum for my tum, tum, tum!”

Q: What kind of money do elves use?
A: Jingle bills!

Cat in a Elf Costume

Cat in an Elf Costume

3 – “The only helping I will be doing is helping myself to more turkey!”

Q: If there were 11 elves, and another one came along, what would he be?
A: The twelf

Cat in a Elf Costume

Cat in an Elf Costume

2 – “Let me tell you where the pointy end of this elf hat is going to end up!”

Q: Athletes get athlete’s foot, so what do elves get?
A: Mistle-toes!

Cat in a Elf Costume

Cat in an Elf Costume

1 –  ”Does this hat make me look silly?!?”

Q: How do you describe a rich elf?
A: Welfy



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Filed under: Animals Top 10, Christmas Top 10 Tagged: Cats, Clothes, Funny, Jokes
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Cats in elf Costumes
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Cats in elf Costumes
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Cats in elf Costumes

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