Creativity Magazine

The Illustrator Said: Let There Be Cartoons!! And Lo, There Were Gags…

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

Gags– that means jokes, not choking and retching. I hope… : )

As previously mentioned, I started out as a cartoonist. I drew a lot of gag cartoons between 1982-2000. One submits them to cartoon editors “on spec” (speculation). Maybe they buy some, maybe they don’t.

My sales were few and far between. Eventually, I realized I’d missed “The Golden Age
Of Magazine Cartooning” by more than 20 years. Magazines that use cartoons are an endangered species. They’ve dwindled to just a few major markets since 1960.

A couple of weeks ago, I was surprised to get an email from a cartoon editor who said
he was in the market. So I dusted off some oldies, scanned them in, and submitted them electronically.

Here’s a sampling. They date to 1999-2000. Hope you enjoy them.

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gypsy woman fortune teller says banana future he'll be sliced up and lying on top of corn flakes

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Peter Rabbit crying in cemetery has left bunch of carrots on Beatrix Potter grave

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pastor welcoming big bad wolf to Bible study group with three little pigs who are terrified

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little bird in tree holding up compact disk to woman says song he just sang is on his new CD

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cat world cat accessory store at mall has scratching post to attract customers encourage them to look at merchandise

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dad and son about to part company, dad to play pinball machines, son to play video games

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two guys on desert island, cases of writing tablets glass bottles have washed up, but they don't have pen to write note

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dog walking toward fire hydrant to urinate, saying focus, control, flow

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fruitfly responding to magazine subscription phone solicitation, says year's subscription makes no sense fruit flies only live two weeks

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Did any of the cartoons make you laugh? Did you have a favorite?

Ever tried to draw a cartoon yourself?

Are you one of those folks who only looks at The New Yorker for the cartoons??

Hope you’ll leave a comment.

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