Politics Magazine

The GOP Is No Longer The Party Of Ronald Reagan

Posted on the 19 April 2024 by Jobsanger
The GOP Is No Longer The Party Of Ronald Reagan
Before 2016, most Republicans proudly called themselves "Reagan Republicans". But Reagan Republicans seem to be something in the past. 

I disagreed with Reagan on his economic policies, but there were some things I agreed with him on. 

Reagan believed in our democratic system, and when he lost (as he did in the 1972 Republican primary) he did so graciously.

Reagan believed every citizen had the right to vote.

Reagan believed the U.S. must support other democracies, especially when they were attacked by authoritarian countries.

Reagan believed in NATO. He knew that we must support our allies, so they would support us in a time of need.

Reagan stood up to the Soviet Union, and I believe he would have done the same to today's Russian dictator.

But today's Republican Party has abandoned those Reagan beliefs. They now support a man who believes none of that - Donald Trump.

Trump doesn't respect our democratic system. Instead of graciously accepting his loss in the 2020 election, he claimed it was rigged against him. He encouraged an insurrection in an attempt to remain in office, and he continues to lie about the election to this day.

Trump (and his GOP cohorts) don't think every citizen should be able to vote - and they have done their best to pass laws to restrict voting by those they don't think would vote for them.

Trump doesn't support the Ukrainian democracy because Ukraine refused to investigate a specious claim that the Biden family was corrupt.

Trump has said he would end the Russia/Ukraine was by giving Russia the Crimea and other parts of eastern Ukraine. And to further that goal, he doesn't support more military aid to Ukraine. Following his lead, congressional Republicans have delayed aid to Ukraine, and many of them would deny that aid altogether.

Trump doesn't like NATO, and had to be talked out of abandoning it. He has even said he would allow Russia to invade NATO countries who didn't meet his personal beliefs.

And rather than stand up to the Russian dictator, Trump admires him and makes excuses for him.

Today's Republicans had a choice. They could continue to follow the lead of Ronald Reagan or go with Donald Trump, but they could not do both. They have chosen to cast their lot with Trump.

The GOP is no longer the party of Reagan. Frankly, I believe Ronald Reagan would be horrified to see today's Republican Party.  

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