Society Magazine

The Deluge [4]

Posted on the 27 June 2013 by Therisingcontinent @Ambrosenz
This is an illustration of Paul Kagame's criminal hands that Howard Buffet and Tony Blair are avoiding to consider in their advocacy for the dictator so their business interests continue to flourish in the region, at the expense of millions of Congolese, hundreds of thousands of raped women, Rwandans, and others, for almost 20 years now.

This is an illustration of Paul Kagame’s criminal hands that investor Howard Buffet, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and other lobby groups have been avoiding to consider in their advocacy for the Rwandan dictator so their business interests continue to flourish in the region, at the expense of millions of Congolese, hundreds of thousands of raped women, Rwandans, and others, for almost 20 years now.

The Deluge is the title of a film  in preparation by the investigative journalist Keith Harmon Snow. It focuses on the myths and realities of genocide in Central Africa. The producer is looking for financial contributions to finalize the project. To make the public understand more the issues at stake in the film, we have decided to publish scripts of short interviews or extracts of speeches of some identifiable people who are shown in the film. In this fourth note, we have five people: Charles Onana, investigative journalist and Rwanda scholar, Dr Jean Marie Vianney Higiro, former head of Rwanda Information Office, Milton Allimadi, Founder publisher “The Black Star News,” Henry Gombya, exiled Ugandan, editor of the London Evening News, Dr Amii Omara Otumu, UNESCO human rights chair. 

Charles Onana:

And this assassination was a coup d’état. Why? Because the Americans had decided to change their strategy in the region. Former President Juvenal Habyarimana had refused to let Rwanda serve as a base for America, Israel and manly the interests of the multinationals.

Dr. Jean Marie Vianney Higiro:

In fact many people were very surprised when suddenly in 1990 international, Belgian and French media accused the regime of Rwanda of human rights violations, because until then this regime had been portrayed by the World Bank and the IMF and other international groupings as a good role model, good student of the World Bank and the IMF.

Milton Allimadi:

Why is Rwanda allowed to be invaded by Uganda? Uganda had actually launched a war of aggression in 1990. And I said that [then] and I maintain it up today. Had that war of aggression been dealt with and had been halted, the mass killings typically referred to as genocide of 1994 never would had occurred.

Henry Gombya:

I don’t know whether you’ve ever been to Kigali where they’ve put a museum of skulls. Thus that reminds somebody of what happened in Luwero in Uganda where there is a museum of skulls? And the museums of skulls have been found in places when the NRA was operating during the struggle, where the government forces were not in control! The Pentagon has helped out Joweri Museveni make sure that this war continues. Because by giving him weapons the kind of so-called war continues in the north about fighting Kony, although Kony is not fighting anymore. The money is still flowing and whose pockets is it going? It is not going into the government of Uganda pockets. It is going into the pockets of those who are in power in Uganda.

Dr. Amii Omara Otumu:

The politics of militarism is going also to kill not only Ugandans but also other neighbouring countries like Rwanda, unless both countries renounce the politics of militarism. Unless both countries begin to embrace democratic principles and give the rights that every citizen in Rwanda every citizen in Uganda is entitled to. We are going to be nearly postponing another catastrophe, another bloodshed which could be far worst because at the moment now there are guns all over Uganda.

The Deluge [1] – Bill Clinton, Donatille Niragire, Jean Luc Habyarimana, Philippe Meilhac

The Deluge [2] – Antoine Theophile Nyetera, Milton Allimadi, Professor Noam Chomsky, Susan Thompson, Dr. Jean Marie Vianney Higiro, Faustin Twagiramungu

The Deluge [3] – Kyrsten Sinema, Prof. Peter Erlinder, Remigius Kintu, Marianne Baziruwiha, Wayne Masden

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