Creativity Magazine

See The Caricature. Pretty Caricature. Think, Think, Think. Who It Is??

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

I did a post back in March that featured some old caricatures. I challenged readers to guess who they were, and said a prayer that people would actually recognize some of them… : )

The post was well received, and I’m happy to say there were some correct guesses. So it’s time for an encore. See if you can identify the following idiot celebrities.

Answers at end of post.

caricature of singer Bob Dylan and television talk show host, comedian, and singer Jimmy Fallon

caricature of movie star Sandra Bullock famous for role as undercover cop in beauty pageant in movie comedy Miss Congeniality

caricature of Yoko Ono and Beatle John Lennon as hippies holding flowers and late North Korean dictator and ruler Kim Jong-il who liked to play nuclear chicken

caricatures of rock musicians Walter Becker and Donald Fagen of group Steely Dan shown with deaf human ear using waxy cotton swab as cane

caricatures of American tennis stars Andy Roddick, James Blake, Robby Ginepri

End of caricatures, scroll down for answers.

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1. Singer Bob Dylan, and talk show host and comedian, Jimmy Fallon.

2. Movie star Sandra Bullock, who had a big hit as an FBI agent working undercover at a beauty pageant in the film Miss Congeniality.

3. Yoko Ono and John Lennon, and the late North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il, who died in 2011 and was succeeded by his son Kim Jong-un. Like his father, young Kim seems to enjoy playing “nuclear chicken” with South Korea and the West.

4. Walter Becker and Donald Fagen (L-R), core members of rock group Steely Dan. In the above drawing, they seem to have encountered a deaf ear.

5. American tennis professionals Andy Roddick, James Blake, and Robby Ginepri, circa 2004. Roddick, who once achieved a World No. 1 ranking, retired in 2012. Blake and Ginepri are still active. The caricatures were for an article which playfully cast the players as certain types: Roddick as a fashion plate; Blake as an intellectual; Ginepri as a hippie.

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Did anyone get Kim Jong-il? That one was tough, since his son, Kim Jong-un, the current ruler, sports the same distinctive haircut. OK, if you just said The North Korea Guy, you get half a point… : )

Did anyone notice the tennis ball globe? Did it make you feel kind of warm and, uh, fuzzy?

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