Politics Magazine

Michelle's Book Is The Best-Selling Hardcover Of 2018!

Posted on the 01 December 2018 by Jobsanger
Michelle's Book Is The Best-Selling Hardcover Of 2018! From The Washington Post:
Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” is the best-selling hardcover book of 2018.
The former first lady’s memoir has sold more than 2 million copies in all formats in North America in its first 15 days, according to a statement released Friday by Penguin Random House. Now in its sixth printing, the book has 3.4 million copies in print in the United States and Canada. In a strong indication of Obama’s popularity around the world, “Becoming” is also the No. 1 seller in Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Greece. The book is being published in 31 languages. . . . Perhaps even more striking than the popularity of “Becoming” has been the extraordinary popularity of its author. Obama’s 10-city U.S. book tour has attracted sold-out crowds across the country, with fans willing to pay hundreds, even thousands of dollars to see her. One VIP seat for Obama’s appearance in Dallas on Dec. 17 is selling for more than $10,000. The vast majority of book authors speak for free to small crowds in bookstores. Obama’s tour resembles a popular music tour — with rock-star prices to match.

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