Politics Magazine

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is About To Embarrass Herself

Posted on the 03 May 2024 by Jobsanger
Marjorie Taylor Greene Is About To Embarrass Herself
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) thinks she is a leader in the current Congress. And she is the self-appointed voice of the radical right in it. 

She was in the tiny group of GOP radicals that ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy. That resulted in a period of time when Congress was in chaos because the Republicans couldn't agree on a new Speaker. The radical fringe finally convinced other Republicans to agree to accept one of their own, and Mike Johnson became Speaker.

Greene evidently thought with a radical in the Speaker's chair, she and other radicals could force Congress to go along with their own crazy ideas Like shutting down the government and cutting off aid to Ukraine).

Greene was wrong. While Johnson is on the far right, he was not willing to shut down the government or cut off aid to Ukraine. To keep the government open and send needed aid to Ukraine, he reached out to Democrats - and Democrats, combined with many Republicans, passed both bills.

Greene blew her top, and filed a motion to kick Johnson out of the speakership. But she didn't ask for a vote, wanting to hold that possibility over his head to force him to meet her demands.She thought she was in control. She was wrong again.

Most Republicans are unhappy with her action, and don't want another vote on the Speaker. They know it would just create more chaos for Congress and their party.

Last week, I said Democrats should stay out of this GOP fight, and should just vote "present" on a vote to oust the Speaker. While Johnson is not a good Speaker, we don't need more chaos in Congress.

But Hakeem Jeffries (Democratic Minority Leader) had a better idea. He said if Marjorie Taylor Green ask for a vote to oust the Speaker, Democrats would move to table her request. If the motion to table won a majority vote, Greene's motion would not even get a vote.

The motion to table would win by a landslide (with most Republicans and all Democrats voting for it. I doubt if Greene can expect more than a dozen votes in her favor. She is about to be embarrassed, and shown just how little power she has in this Congress.

Most Republicans (and all Democrats) are sick of her insane kind of political theater! 

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