
I’ll Support Death Penalty For Corruption; Kill Anyone Who Steals N1trillion, Not N1m – Ndume

Posted on the 17 May 2024 by Info4blog

Ali Ndume, the Chief Whip of the Senate, has expressed his endorsement for the death penalty in cases of government money theft. He emphasized a nuanced stance, suggesting that while smaller amounts shouldn’t warrant such severe punishment, those embezzling significant sums, like one trillion, should face capital punishment.

Furthermore, Ndume acknowledged the pervasive nature of corruption in Nigeria, attributing it to a collective effort where politicians pilfer funds and share the spoils with the populace.

These remarks were made during Ndume’s appearance on Channels TV Politics Today. The discussion revolved around the effectiveness of the death penalty as a deterrent for drug-related offenses.

Ndume contends that in comparison to other forms of corruption, the misconduct among politicians pales in significance. He attributes this to a culture of collective involvement, where ill-gotten gains are distributed among the populace to secure support for re-election. He emphasizes that there is no justification for such actions.

“I’ve visited the National Assembly, but on TV, I can’t speak truthfully. If the death penalty were to apply to corruption, I’d back it, though not for someone who stole millions or billions. But those who embezzle trillions of government funds deserve it.”

“The death penalty serves as the most effective deterrent for drug offenders. Engaging in drug use equates to taking lives.

“It entails ruining countless lives and ending numerous existences,” he remarked.

Vanguard recently disclosed that the Senate has approved the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency Act (Amendment Bill) 2024, proposing the death penalty for individuals convicted of trafficking in hard drugs and narcotics.

Numerous legal experts and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have criticized the bill, arguing that it isn’t an effective solution to combat drug trafficking in the nation. While some advocate for stringent border controls, others believe that addressing the poverty rate in the country could help curb the rampant drug trade…..See More

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