Current Magazine

Harambe the Gorilla

Posted on the 31 May 2016 by Flip

Petition to Prosecute Parents in Harmabe Case
What About the McCanns?

I wrote on Facebook a few days ago that the public outcry over the killing of Harmabe the gorilla was once again a sign that humanity is a pretty screwed up thing…

With at the very least a strange set of morals when it comes to the killing of animals vs the killing of people…

Let me explain…

A gorilla gets shot and social media explodes into outrage…

700 migrants drown escaping a war – thousands of Palestinian kids are murdered and in Yemen there’s scenes straight out of hell depicting dead – dying and starving children…

And not even a ripple on the social media seismograph of umbrage…

Parents Of Harmabe Kid Should Be Prosecuted…

harmbe parents to be prosecuted

The 300,000 strong [and rising] petition is calling for the parents to be prosecuted for ‘negligence..’

Not a whiff of ‘perhaps the zoo should be prosecuted for crap fencing…

Nope the lynch mob is out in full and the fires of fury are being fanned by the mainstream media who know a good blood story when they are fed one…

Celebrities join backlash over fatal shooting of Harambe the gorilla

— Metro (@MetroUK) May 31, 2016

However what is strange to me is the media not labeling the hatred spewed out on Twitter and Facebook as trolling by trolls

It’s the mainstream media’s buzzword at the moment for anyone who dares have a different opinion to whatever sh!te we’re being spoon fed in any given day…

I am SICK&TIRED of LAZY people who do not WATCH THEIR CHILDREN. RIP #Harambe you did not deserve to die. @CincinnatiZoo I am sorry 4 u also

— Just Me (@WutaUlookinat) May 29, 2016

Petition Calling for the McCanns to be Prosecuted..?

Don’t be silly…

We’re a respectable white middle class family with the backing of the great the good and Governments…

Anyone who dares to question this couple’s parenting is labelled a troll INSTANTLY…

I mean come on these parents ‘chose’ to leave their 3 tiny children alone night after night in a foreign country…

The parents of the Harambe incident whilst culpable of maybe turning their backs for a second certainly didn’t go to the zoo that day and think ‘sod it let’s chuck him into the gorilla pen…’

If anything it looks like a tragic if maybe avoidable accident…

Avoidable by parents keeping their eyes and hands on a child constantly [as David Cameron did when he left his child in a pub]…

And perhaps avoidable if a zoo made it pretty impossible to fall into an enclosure in the first place…

cincinnati zoo harambre memorial

But wait…

What’s this..?

The mainstream media have dug into the Harambe parents past to find that dad has a ‘long history of criminal activities..’

What in the name of fuck has that got to do with a little boy tumbling into a gorilla pen..?

No seriously am I missing something here..?

If you’re a lovely [sic] white middle class couple with no criminal record – negligence [planned at that] is acceptable to we the people..?

The deaths of innocent children around the world on a scale Pol Pot and his ilk would be proud of is mere background noise to our lives nowadays..?

Sure I’m sad when any animal is slaughtered – but I’d put a persons life before any animal…

Yes any human beings life…

yemen war

Yemeni Child Bombed By Saudi Arabia

I truly think we’ve lost something somewhere…

When the death of an animal whilst tragic gets our pulses pumping more than the constant murdering of innocents around the world…

Where our blood lust for one set of parents is encouraged by the media…

And where one tiny criticism or question of another set of parents is classed as outrageous bordering on the cruel…

Means we really do need to work out just where our true morals lie…

RIP Harambe and fuck zoos


Priorities fuckers…priorities…

The #gorilla got 3 & 1/2 more minutes of consideration before they shot him dead than the police gave #TamirRice

— Deborah Roseman (@roseperson) May 31, 2016

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