Social Media Magazine

Google Conceals Keyword Source of Traffic

Posted on the 01 November 2011 by Waxgirl333 @waxgirl333

In order for businesses to be competitive today, they need to have an online presence that spans everything from social media to marketing to search engine optimization (SEO). Knowing what strategies to use and how to use them effectively can mean the difference between a business thriving or failing.

Email marketing has proven to be a reliable, measurable strategy if used effectively and sites that connect users and businesses through the online coupon market have proven to be effective at driving sales for small companies. All forms of marketing, particularly on the Internet, rely on producing measurable results. If an advertiser can’t see exactly how their marketing initiatives are impacting their business, they won’t know how effective their campaigns are or whether they should drop a campaign or extend it. That’s why Google’s recent announcement that it will be encrypting search queries for users signed into their Google accounts is troubling to some observers. The search giant has cited user security as their main motivation for the change, but it will have serious impacts on SEO while Google’s own AdWords pay-per-click (PPC) service won’t be affected at all.

Users Will Have More Secure Results

The whole reason Google is doing any of this is for the security of its users. It’s possible that Google fears that someone will discover a way to trace potentially sensitive search information back to specific users or use the search engine’s lack of encryption to infect users’ machines or access features of their Google account. Also of note is that some countries censor Internet traffic, particularly on Google. If Google were to encrypt the search data for those countries, it may allow people in those countries to perform searches freely and protect them from possible punitive measures by their governments. For now only users signed into the Google accounts or those deliberately visiting are affected, but it’s likely that Google will roll out the encryption to more users as time goes on.

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