Culture Magazine

Ghost Rider (2007)

By Newguy

logoDirector: Mark Steven Johnson

Writer: Mark Steven Johnson (Screenplay)

Starring: Nicolas Cage, Peter Fonda, Brett Cullen, Wes Bentley, Eva Mendes, Sam Elliott

Plot: Stunt motorcyclist Johnny Blaze gives up his soul to become a hellblazing vigilante, to fight against power hungry Blackheart, the son of the devil himself.

There may be spoilers the rest of the review

Verdict: Just For Fun

Story: Ghost Rider starts by telling us the legend of the Ghost Rider who has to collect souls for the Devil but one Ghost Rider decided to go against the Devil and run, but enough about legends and stories for now. It is time to meet a young Johnny Blaze (Long) a young stunt bike rider getting taught about the trade by his father Barton (Cullen). Young Johnny gets a visit from Mephistopheles (Fonda) offer Johnny a deal to save his fathers life. Naively Johnny signs the contract which will give Mephistopheles his soul when he is ready for it, but we know the Devil always plays games and it is only a day before Mephistopheles cashes in his debt threatening to come back for Johnny in the future after he kills Barton. Johnny has to leave everything including his love Roxanne and start his own life alone.

Johnny (Cage) now a world famous stunt rider who has been cheating death every time he gets on his bike as he waits for Mephistopheles to come back and cash in. Mack (Logue) is Johnny’s best friend and only person who Johnny will remotely listen to about advice and when Johnny plans his next jump Mack has to try to talk Johnny out of it. Blackheart (Bentley) turns up from nowhere heading right for a biker bar but Blackheart just so happens Mephistopheles son who has plans to take over the world betraying Mephistopheles.

When Johnny meets the grown up version of Roxanne (Mendes) he goes for his first interview before trying to rekindle his romance with her at the same time Mephistopheles decides to cash in his contract turning Johnny into the Ghost Rider. Mephistopheles wants Johnny to stop his son Blackheart’s plan to take over the world, as Johnny ends up having to learn how to control both sides of his new persona as the Rider only appears at night fighting crime and taking no prisoners.

Ghost Rider is a film that I only ever heard for bad things about this one so I went in with very little expectation. I was slightly surprised with the final outcome of this film, I found this an interesting fun film but just not to expect one of the overall spectacle that other comic book films. I liked the idea of the origin story for a comic book character I know nothing about but I did find the overall story slightly clichéd and very safe. This could be an easy watch and I do feel like it gets wrongly slammed, this is just fun nothing more nothing less. (5/10)

Actor Review

Nicolas Cage: Johnny Blaze is the world famous stunt rider who as a teenager sold his soul to save his father only be betrayed, after his father dies he goes onto become the icon he is but Mephistopheles has been waiting to cash in turning Johnny into the Ghost Rider. As the Ghost Rider Johnny must fight crime and stop Blackheart from taking over the world. Nicolas does give us a solid performance in a role he wanted to play. (6/10)


Wes Bentley: Blackheart is the son of Mephistopheles who has come from hell to try and take over the world, he goes up against the Ghost Rider who is sent to stop him. Calm and articulated he wants to talk his opponent to death but is equal as tough when it comes to combat. Wes gives us a standard performance but doesn’t reach the levels you would expect from his ability. (5/10)


Eva Mendes: Roxanne Simpson is a ghost from Johnny’s past and now a reporter trying to find out about the mysterious deaths happening around Texas, she tries to rekindle her romance with Johnny but his new identity cause problems with that happening. Eva gives a solid supporting role but ends up being the clichéd supporting comic book character. (5/10)


Peter Fonda: Mephistopheles is the devil himself who makes deals so he can have Ghost Riders take the evil souls that make deals with him, when his son tries to escape from hell he has to send his new Ghost Rider in search for his son and stop him from taking over his world. Peter makes a solid devil character but doesn’t get the most screen time. (5/10)


Support Cast: Ghost Rider has a supporting cast that includes Johnny’s stunt team, Blackheart’s side demons and The Caretaker (Sam Elliott) who advices Johnny through his transition.

Director Review: Mark Steven JohnsonMark gives us a solid entry into the world of comic book films, it isn’t on the level of Nolan but sure just gives us a good fun film. (6/10)

Action: Ghost Rider has very generic action scenes where the fights all work but give us nothing memorable. (6/10)

Fantasy: Ghost Rider brings us into the fantasy world of devils and demons along with a mythical Ghost Rider, it all works well but never giving us anything special. (7/10)

Thriller: Ghost Rider doesn’t give us much to wonder about because we know this is an origin story and they won’t pull too many surprises here. (5/10)

Settings: Ghost Rider keeps everything very simple in the settings side of the story but nothing that is used to make any scene memorable. (5/10)
Special Effects: Ghost Rider has solid effects with the creations of Ghost Rider and Blackheart most are clear CGI but they all would have been very difficult to achieve practical effects wise. (6/10)

Suggestion: Ghost Rider is one for the comic book fans to try, I feel they will enjoy the fun side of the story rather than the new serious side of comic book levels. (Comic Book Fans Try)

Best Part: First transformation.

Worst Part: Not the most original with the storyline.

Action Scene Of The Film: The Rider chases up the side of a building.

Believability: No (0/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Chances of Sequel: Has one sequel.

Post Credits Scene: No

Oscar Chances: No

Box Office: $115 Million

Budget: $110 Million

Runtime: 1 Hour 54 Minutes

Tagline: His Curse Will Become His Power

Trivia: Nicolas Cage had to have his Ghost Rider tattoo covered with make-up to play Johnny Blaze.

Overall: Fun but not breathtaking addition to the comic book film.



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