Culture Magazine

Farewell 2020

By Fsrcoin

(We had a zoomed family holiday poetry slam. Here’s my poem.)

Farewell 2020

2020 Farewell,

A year from Hell;

A year of years,

Of fears and tears.

A sickness spread across the land,

The president without a plan,

A sickness of our national soul,

Fallen into a deep black hole.

Farewell 2020

Half the country gone insane,

Backing that evil monster’s reign,

Embracing his every lie;

How many had to die?

With children in cages,

Among countless outrages.

Farewell 2020

The choice was stark,

Between light and dark.

And when finally voted out,

Reality he did flout,

Trying to overturn the vote,

To cut our democracy’s throat.

And so we’ve been tested,

But were not bested;

Up against a wall,

We’ve come through after all.

Farewell 2020

And in the end,

We’re on the mend.

We did not fail;

We shall prevail.

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